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  1. B

    Help Me take my Pool back from the FROGS!!

    So, from here on out when I test every morning I use the K-1000? I just feel like I don't get an exact number holding to the light and matching the saying okay its between 2-5. But, I guess if I can be slightly higher than 2-5 window makes sense. I have a picture of the stains...
  2. B

    Help Me take my Pool back from the FROGS!!

    I want to make sure I am understanding this FC/CYA chart. Its confusing to me.So, for right now since my cya is below 20, I maintain FC at 2 for a 18k pool? If my cya goes to 40 I maintain at 3? I still haven't gotten a new gauge. The store is all the way across town. I did do a deep clean 2...
  3. B

    Help Me take my Pool back from the FROGS!!

    Looks like I passed the oclt test. FC was exactly at 12 didn't go down at all and for the CC I didn't have to add any drops was already clear. However, 2 things...... My cya is still below 20 ( but, the black dot in the tube container is becoming more faint) Water is clear and I see dirt...
  4. B

    Help Me take my Pool back from the FROGS!!

    It was at Fc 6 last night and this morning 3. I know it wasn't correct slam level. I was too tired to go to the store for more bleach. I tested at 9:00 pm and it is at FC 12......i wonder what it will be in the morning.
  5. B

    Help Me take my Pool back from the FROGS!!

    I added 2 1/2 cups of stabilizer and the FC is at 14. I have taken the ladder out and bleached and scrubbed it down. Got a little hand brush a few days ago brushed the skimmer?? It just seems to me that last week I couldn't see the last step of the ladder or my feet but my Fc would hold longer...
  6. B

    Help Me take my Pool back from the FROGS!!

    I am getting close I can see the last step on the ladder and when I clean with the brush I can see it all the way down. But, the chlorine still drops fast in my opionion. I added 1 cup of stabilizer last night and 1 1/2 cup this morning. I added 3 bottles at 3:00pm and I just tested at 8:30 and...
  7. B

    Help Me take my Pool back from the FROGS!!

    Alright, so 4 hours of deep cleaning and the water still has lots of floaties in there. Very hot today in Ga. Me and hubby have been taking shifts with the hose and we are done for today. We will hook the pipes back up and do a really good backwas/rinse and do another deep clean tomorrow???
  8. B

    Help Me take my Pool back from the FROGS!!

    Thanks! I am just getting husband is gone working all day till 7:00.mon-fri. I am tired of testing, adding bleach, picking up bleach and getting in scrubbing it everyday! While my poor kids been watching me do this for a month and begging to get Lesson learned I will...
  9. B

    Help Me take my Pool back from the FROGS!!

    Ok.we are doing the Deep clean right now. There is no big chunks of debris in there, however I don't know if you can see the small dirt floaties. Looks like sand put when I run my fingers through the water I don't feel anything. What do you guys think? I read up on that "DE" stuff. Should I do...
  10. B

    Help Me take my Pool back from the FROGS!!

    Well, gauge hasn't worked in years. I just put my hand over the eyelet and feel if there is strong pressure coming out. Has always worked for us. I am thinking we now need to replace the pump. The last 4 days it makes a really loud noise, but it runs. How else can I tell if I need a new one...
  11. B

    Help Me take my Pool back from the FROGS!!

    I am seriously about to give up!! I scrub once a day and keep it at shock level 12...right now its around 14. it's still that pretty light aqua blue. I get in and I feel no leaves on the bottom just feels like some places has sand or dirt? The filter is making a loud noise but seems to be...
  12. B

    Help Me take my Pool back from the FROGS!!

    Water still looks the same as shown above. We had to backwash every day and since tuesday of this week was the last time. The pressure is good.
  13. B

    Help Me take my Pool back from the FROGS!!

    This seems forever!! I did notice a change in my numbers is this good or bad? Do I need to add something else? I am still slamming and trying to keep the TC to 12..... How long has this taken for people? TC= 15 PH = 6.8 TA = 80 CYA= 30 CH = 225
  14. B

    Help Me take my Pool back from the FROGS!!

    Had trouble with our Pipes, but they are good now. Here are test results as of this morning and a picture update. SO, DO I STILL KEEP SLAMMING? AND KEEP TC TO 12? ANYTHING ELSE? TC= 11 PH= 7.2 TA= 60 CH= 125 CYA= below 20
  15. B

    Help Me take my Pool back from the FROGS!!

    Yes, I have 20 bottles of Bleach for right now. Me and husband just back from adding 2 bottles and brushing pool. However pump ran for 45 min and another pipe busted out. This is the 3 rd attempt of turning on pump and pipes keep busting out in different places. This is getting on my nerves! So...
  16. B

    Help Me take my Pool back from the FROGS!!

    So, that would be in the pool section at walmart? Can I still add the 2 bottles of bleach now without the stabilizer? Or should I go buy it now if I want to add the bleach tonight? Its already 11:00 pm here. I don't know if I should do something tonight or wait for tomorrow?
  17. B

    Help Me take my Pool back from the FROGS!!

    So, what is the stabilizer? Would that be the Borax or Baking Soda. Thanks for breaking it down that Pool Math had me confused at first, I guess I will all learn this the more I do it!
  18. B

    Help Me take my Pool back from the FROGS!!

    Yes, so my CYA is below 20 This is my first time god I think it took me 30 minutes reading it word for word to make sure I didn't do anything wrong. So, do you guys need the results of the Fas-dpd also? I also just went ahead and bought the speedstir also I have it now...should I...
  19. B

    Help Me take my Pool back from the FROGS!!

    I did the tests on the white postcard that came with the test kit. What is the Fas/dpd test? It doesn't say on the postcard how to do this test?
  20. B

    Help Me take my Pool back from the FROGS!!

    FC 0 PH 7.2 TA 40 CH 125 CYA is below 20 The pool has been looking like this all day due to the 2 bottles of bleach I put in yesterday and brushed. Pool has not been turned on as of yet.
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  22. B

    Help Me take my Pool back from the FROGS!!

    Okay...thanks for explaining that...I will do that.
  23. B

    Help Me take my Pool back from the FROGS!!

    Love the coffee filter idea! So, let me understand this correctly. Attach a coffee filter at the skimmer and just run the pool with no bleach? Ugh! Everytime my husband turns on the pump a pipe comes unattached. Last night we wanted to turn it on for the first time and pipe popped off. He sealed...
  24. B

    Help Me take my Pool back from the FROGS!!

    My pool has not been used for 1 year. My TF-1000 test kit came and I also got the extra r-0871 XL to go with it. All I did today is brush a little and removed some Algae. I really didn't see alot of leaves. More gooey, slimy yuck I really need a step by step of what to do first. I...
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