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  1. J

    Newbie with high TA (I think)

    Great. Thanks for the quick replies. Still getting the hang of this. I ran my swg on boost tonight. Will test again tomorrow and get focused on that ph and fc. Thanks!
  2. J

    Newbie with high TA (I think)

    We've had a ton of rain this weekend. Today's test results: FC: 1 CC: 0 CH: *didn't test today* TA: 200 CYA: 75 Ph: 7.8 Thoughts? Am I okay?
  3. J

    Newbie with high TA (I think)

    I fought my small above ground Intex all summer last year. NOT AGAIN! I stumbled upon this site and am very impressed. That being said, I bought the TF100 and let my inner chemistry geek shine. My pool has been filled for a week. I added a SWG for the first time this year and it has been on...