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  1. C

    Is refilling a better option? Looking for thoughts/advice

    Looking at pool math there is around a 1.6 to 1 relationship for tricholr. So using 4 ppm of chlorine a day for ~125 day swim season would make my CYA ~300. So that would be at least a refill a year, more like 3, if I have that correct. - - - Updated - - - Thanks for the response and the is...
  2. C

    Is refilling a better option? Looking for thoughts/advice

    What I am unsure of is how often I would have to refill. You would be correct with a refill ever year. Would that be the expectation using pucks?
  3. C

    Is refilling a better option? Looking for thoughts/advice

    Want to start by saying that this site has been, and continues to be, a wonderful source of information. We are going on our third year and have never had an issue. All of our friends and neighbors comment about how great our pool/water looks. Also I understand the importance of testing and do...
  4. C

    Placement of shut off valves for new pool build

    How many return lines do you have? I have a slide, bubbler and normal return (split into three jets at the pool) on my pool and have shut off valves on each. Makes it nice to up the pressure on the slide and/or bubbler when running both.
  5. C

    Replace toggle switch with timer?

    I have the metal ones (t104r) and like them. Only had them a year so hard to tell on rust but they are pretty well built. I also have just a timer with no separate switch and don't mind having to open the timer to operate the switch. If you have a lowes in your area that is where I got mine.
  6. C

    Replace toggle switch with timer?

    I wired one for both my pump and lights and it is very straightforward. Only issue I see is wire length so you might have to mount it below or extend the wires. I would suggest this version that is meant for outdoor use. Has a seal and little different box...