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  1. C

    water texture problem

    So far it looks like the sticky feeling is caused by a polymer coagulant.
  2. C

    water texture problem

    Tested the water @ local pool center, Total Bromine 3ppm, TA 38, (was corrected to 60ppm) PH 7.8 Its Bromine activated with chlorine. Never did the Ahhsome purg.
  3. C

    water texture problem

    To my fellow TFP super humans :) My pool is super clear but the texture isn't right, feels a bit like sticky/tacky Any ideas?
  4. C

    Carbon dioxide (co2) hyper dissolved?

    I'm using a 16" diffuser (like the one in the attached image), works great!
  5. 71NZ7Uta9IL._AC_SL1500_.jpg


  6. C

    Carbon dioxide (co2) hyper dissolved?

    I'm using Co2 right now to lower PH with great success. Right now the Co2 is feeding directly into the bottom of the water, you can see and hear the bubbles on top of the water. I've just ordered an air stone diffuser, wondering if it will save on Co2 by dispersing the Co2 better into water.......
  7. C

    Carbon dioxide (co2) hyper dissolved?

    I created 2 posts, one asking About the Co2 and another one asking about O2, I'm looking for answers on both topics , someone in TFP combined them and ruind my posts......
  8. C

    Carbon dioxide (co2) hyper dissolved?

    TA 80, PH 7.5, CH 390,
  9. C

    Carbon dioxide (co2) hyper dissolved?

    adding Co2 into the water lowers the PH.
  10. C

    Carbon dioxide (co2) hyper dissolved?

    What's the best way to deliver Co2 into the pool?
  11. C

    Carbon dioxide (co2) hyper dissolved?

    What's the importance or convenience of hyper dissolving the oxygen? Would the direct input of O2 to the water have less of benefits?
  12. C

    Carbon dioxide (co2) hyper dissolved?

    I'm using Co2 to balance (lower) PH I've just come across the concept of hyper dissolved o2 (HDO) to help the oxidation process. where the 02 is dissolve into a solution and then administered into the pool. Does that concept of hyper dissolved work with co2 as well?
  13. C

    Enthusiastic spa control creator

    Can any one recommend a hyper dissolved oxygen (HDO) system? I'm also looking for A cheap UV system.
  14. C

    Enthusiastic spa control creator

    I have a 4500 Litter spa treaded with chlorine and bromine. balancing PH with C02 and or acid, operated by self build feeding timer controls, activated by ORP and PH sensors. added some borate, enzymes and coagulants. ..