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  1. K

    Small leak i cannot find?

    thanks! seems i have alot more research to do and alot of thinking as well :)
  2. K

    Small leak i cannot find?

    I don't think I'm anywhere near confident enough to replace the jets! Actually I know I'm not. I'm actually considering replacing the whole pool or just getting rid of it altogether simply because I have no idea how to cut and seal this new liner..
  3. K

    Small leak i cannot find?

    Lol thats the one Im eyeing as well ❤️❤️
  4. K

    1. Cant Shock w/o getting Iron Stains & 2. Sodium Bicarb Making Water Milky

    ok... AA worked like a charm on my stains!! I love this site :)
  5. K

    Small leak i cannot find?

    I can get an intex liner, but im trying to determine if its basically like a new pool without the frame. Like if it’s the same liner that came with the pool with the pockets and all that I’ll have to take the metal frame apart and completely get rid of the old one. I really wasn’t looking to go...
  6. K

    Small leak i cannot find?

    Pics of the openings. It appears to be a more rigid material that forms a 5 inch or so diameter enforcement around the holes. I can’t imagine how I would take that out and replace it. I found a place on line that has liner specifically for Intex pools, but they tell you you have to cut these...
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  10. K

    Small leak i cannot find?

    Also I am trying very hard to talk myself out of that job for now :)
  11. K

    Small leak i cannot find?

    ok. I may try one last attempt at patching a few suspicious places and wait on the liner until spring. Im sure you guys know this has not been a good "pool" year for me LOL!!
  12. K

    Small leak i cannot find?

    I have an intex.. there is no faceplate or nuts etc... its just a hole in the vinyl lined with some plastic
  13. K

    Small leak i cannot find?

    Update - I found one leak, and patched it twice actually (first time it was still seeping a bit at one edge) using the kit and dye recommended here. Problem is, it is still leaking somewhere although at a slower rate, but enough that I am am having to lower my skimmer basket every couple of...
  14. K

    1. Cant Shock w/o getting Iron Stains & 2. Sodium Bicarb Making Water Milky

    or asorbic acid.. willing to learn to use that too
  15. K

    1. Cant Shock w/o getting Iron Stains & 2. Sodium Bicarb Making Water Milky

    yea i agree now too... i will at some point get some metal remover and sequestrant to remove what is here, but Im just glad it finally stopped... again, I assume its because im no longer having to add shock since im keeping it all in level.. I have the test kit now, but nothing to test for iron...
  16. K

    1. Cant Shock w/o getting Iron Stains & 2. Sodium Bicarb Making Water Milky

    @Mdragger88 @Bperry @Newdude sure i forgot someone but you 3 I remember :) hey guys! i havent been on in a long while.. personal stuff... but i wanted to let you know that i have still been implementing all the advice I have gotten here and other than tweaking my daily chlorine needs, my water...
  17. K

    Small leak i cannot find?

    oooh good idea!
  18. K

    Small leak i cannot find?

    ah gotcha! actually i was going to put it in a syringe.
  19. K

    Small leak i cannot find?

    its in the comments already :) more than once
  20. K

    Small leak i cannot find?

    I did mention water Loss :) I already know it is a leak and am pretty sure the cause of said leak:) and thanks to the nice people here, I now have ideas on how to pinpoint it and repair it :)
  21. K

    Small leak i cannot find?

    thanks!, now just because I am a "need to understand the whys and hows" kind of person, why do you say this works better than food coloring?
  22. K

    Small leak i cannot find?

    ok I will check those out. I think I have some of the intex patches.. have to check the shed. So this glue will hold up as I take it underwater?? My experience has been they SAY they do, but dont actually work. Like by the time you get the patch on the bottom and positioned, all the glue is...
  23. K

    Small leak i cannot find?

    then also what is the best patch to use? i have tried the Flex Tape that the ads say is the bomb... stuff is a joke LOL. underwater seal needed
  24. K

    Small leak i cannot find?

    oh there are absolutely tree roots underneath that are slowly coming to the surface more each year. They werent an issue when it was put up, but over the years they are getting more prominent. Dont need to feel for them :), you can SEE them! That is actually what i suspect is causing the leak...
  25. K

    Small leak i cannot find?

    nah... this has been noticeable loss. Im in AL so its hot as Hades every day, but same as every year and this doesnt happen. like every few days I have to lower my skimmer a tad more
  26. K

    Small leak i cannot find?

    what kind of pic are you needing to see? its an Intex 15' metal frame. not much to show lol
  27. K

    Small leak i cannot find?

    No to the backwash line. I will get pics tmrw but its just a metal frame round intex pool. I suspects over the years the roots underground are starting to come to the surface and poked a hole somewhere. I can patch it, just need to find it!
  28. K

    Small leak i cannot find?

    Anyone got any tips or tricks on finding a small leak in an Intex pool? I don’t see that there’s any ground around it that is wet, but the level is dropping little by little
  29. K

    1. Cant Shock w/o getting Iron Stains & 2. Sodium Bicarb Making Water Milky

    on the FC levels.. I know pool math tells you how much to add when its low, but how do I figure out much to add daily to keep it there? do I do the drop test daily? This is the part that trips me up :(
  30. K

    1. Cant Shock w/o getting Iron Stains & 2. Sodium Bicarb Making Water Milky

    ok I will try that.. I know i should have listened to @Bperry about that dang water filter, but I didnt and Im as irritated at myself as anything.. filtering through the polyfill in a bucket seemed like a viable solution. I mean if it can filter the iron out now, surely it should have filtered...