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  2. Russeteggs

    High Salt Indicator on

    Today I discovered my FC has plummeted. I checked the Controller and the High Salt Message is displayed. Water temp was 85 at the time, my salt level is 3200. I think my cell is pretty old, so I suspect it has failed, but I am not sure of course. Any advice would be appreciated!
  3. Russeteggs

    High Ph low TA

    I like it! Thanks for the help.
  4. Russeteggs

    High Ph low TA

    The kit was purchased about 2 months ago.. First expiration is 6/23. Stored at room temp away from any chemicals.
  5. Russeteggs

    High Ph low TA

    To me It matches 8, then one drop of R-0005 takes it to 7.8, two drops to 7.6
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  7. Russeteggs

    High Ph low TA

    That certainly simplifies things! Thank you
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  9. Russeteggs

    High Ph low TA

    I screwed up.. Can't do nothing right since chemo. So not adjusted is 80, adjusted for cya is 56.6. CYA x F =N. Then TA - N = adjusted TA right?
  10. Russeteggs

    High Ph low TA

    I think a couple of times I did a 10ml sample and didn't adjust for CYA.. And I may have threw some numbers in just to calculate how much stabil I needed to correct CYA, or when adding salt.. My apologies. But, today's numbers are accurate and I know for a fact TA has been trending down and PH...
  11. Russeteggs

    High Ph low TA

    Can you not see my logs?
  12. Russeteggs

    High Ph low TA

    I've been battling high Ph all summer. It always drifts up to 8 and I bring it back to 7.6 with acid. I was hoping to find a balance with TA, but now my Adjusted TA is a bit low, but I still get the PH drift to 8. At this point I wonder if I should just live with 8?
  13. Russeteggs

    New to the neighborhood

    What number am I shooting for on FC? My latest numbers are from my neighbor who has a test kit. (mine should arrive this week) Previous numbers from Guess strips, So it appeared.. As if FC went from 1 to 3 in a day so I turned the SWG down a bit. Dial was on 10 when I inherited the pool.
  14. Russeteggs

    Bug(s) floating at the top

    Can have mine too! About 3pm yesterday around 30 or so appeared on the surface. I saw none on the sidewalk, I guess a fleet just kamakized thier way in there.
  15. Russeteggs

    New to the neighborhood

    Good morning Tex, Please take a look at my numbers and give me your thoughts. TIA!
  16. Russeteggs

    Bug(s) floating at the top

    Big Headed Ground Beetle From the wiki - Ground beetles are super important predators in gardens and landscapes as both adults and larvae. They hunt and kill a wide variety of pests including snails, slugs, grubs, and soil dwelling caterpillars like cutworms and armyworms. Both adults and...
  17. Russeteggs

    New to the neighborhood

    Shot of my Dolphin at 8 feet down this morning. Lookin pretty good.
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  19. Russeteggs

    New to the neighborhood

    I read all of it. When does the trouble free part kick in?! Seems I, or she, has got me into a whole mess of trouble.
  20. Russeteggs

    New to the neighborhood

    Well, this is my first cement pond. Not a fish one unfortunately, and the frogs die left and right. Plenty of suicidal worms too. Wife wants to swim in it and this feller that stops by in a little pickup truck that she called out, wants me to throw 100 dollar bills in it continuously. Upon...