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  1. lastevns

    Need tricks for removing horizontal bars in an Intex Ultra Frame pool

    Just wanted to give my thanks to everyone who gave advice on this thread. I am having this issue as I take down my pool. This year I am re-leveling the pool (it wasn't done correctly the first time). For my first attempt, I tried the dowel method (actually a brook handle). It worked but our arms...
  2. lastevns

    To bleach or not to bleach

    Just found Home Depot has liquid chlorine at $9.00 per gallon. So, guess I will have to bite the bullet and spend more. It's something called HDX 1 Gal. Pool-Care Chlorinating Liquid (2-Pack) Thanks to everyone who responded. This is a frustrating situation.
  3. lastevns

    To bleach or not to bleach

    Thank you @HermanTX !!!
  4. lastevns

    To bleach or not to bleach

    Sorry about the missed attribution. So, to be clear, you're saying that I should look for bleach that is of the type 'disinfectant' and make sure it doesn't have scent and other technology like anti-splash?
  5. lastevns

    To bleach or not to bleach

    Thank you @Newdude. The photos on the listing are blurry at best and I am blocked from saving them. Here is a link to the product.
  6. lastevns

    To bleach or not to bleach

    So I can't get liquid chlorine right now. Walmart is out locally as are Lowes and Home Depot. It's about a 25 minute drive to the nearest place that MIGHT have it when I get there (a Leslie's that won't check stock for me). So... Kroger's/Ralphs has a concentrated 7.5 bleach. I'll put the specs...
  7. lastevns

    Hey again to everyone: looking for recommendations on heater

    Well, this is about what I had come to. Even in cooler days there is plenty of sun here. So, at around $200, a solar blanket for the water is likely my best bet. Thank you for your advice!
  8. lastevns

    Hey again to everyone: looking for recommendations on heater

    Hi all, While we had the hottest September in written history, it recently cooled and my pool water is cold. So, for example, the water remained in the 80s all summer. But with a little rain ( too little) and temps dropping over 20 degrees my pool water is now in the 70s and *burr* cold. So...
  9. lastevns

    Ughh... murky water

    One more thing (thinking Columbo). I did the chlorine drop test and my chlorine is at 15ppm. Is that too high to enter the water to vacuum? This link (says I shouldn't get in anything over 5 ppm but the chlorine/cya chart says my FC should be 6 to 8 for 50 CYA. I have already filled the pool...
  10. lastevns

    Ughh... murky water

    Thanks to @mknauss and @YippeeSkippy for responses late at night. You guys are SOOO responsive and helpful. It's unlike any forum I've ever visited. When I took the cover off in daylight the water wasn't really that bad to start (at least I don't think so based upon how it looks now). With the...
  11. lastevns

    Ughh... murky water

    Okay. Do you think I should vacuum tonight and THEN hit the water with the SLAM levels? I assume debris should come out to have my best chance of making water clear and sparkling again. Yeah, think I'm going to vacuum first. I only asked for advice because I'm not certain I'm at a shock...
  12. lastevns

    Ughh... murky water

    Well, with the flood light, it still looks like it's at 50.
  13. lastevns

    Ughh... murky water

    So, I've NEVER had my FC that high. Is it safe to go in and vacuum at that level or would I have to stay out and hold off on vacuuming? Going to get CYA numbers now (plenty of artificial light in the area, should be able to test it).
  14. lastevns

    Ughh... murky water

    Going to test now. Will be right back with the numbers.
  15. lastevns

    Ughh... murky water

    So, I had to go away on business and didn't have anyone to treat the pool. It was covered but had some tree leavings in it when I left. I came back to water getting murky - not yet green. I just added about 32-36 ounces of liquid chlorine. I NEED to vacuum. But that means (for me) getting into...
  16. lastevns

    CYA may be too low and pH is too high according to Pool Math

    Well when I was a reporter, here, covering the water board, I learned some areas have underground aquifers (I covered this because they could potentially be poisoned by GE - a company that hoped to bring a plant here to clean parts from nuclear plants). But, at that time it was the dairies and...
  17. lastevns

    CYA may be too low and pH is too high according to Pool Math

    Yeah, the TA is high and has been since the initial fill of water. No idea why except that Riverside (or big parts of it) use underground aquifers. We have super hard water. I planned to address the TA issue after the drain and refill. Do you think there is a magic number I should chase in terms...
  18. lastevns

    CYA may be too low and pH is too high according to Pool Math

    As the title reads, my CYA is down to 40 (from 50 at setup of pool). And, my pH is reading at 8.2 for the past 3 days. pH fluctuates a little from time to time... it has always been between 7.8 and 8.2 though. I didn't expect CYA to change much at all. But it is definitely lower than where it...
  19. lastevns

    How to reorder reagents???

    Yeah, I have tested a lot to get the process down. It's good to know it can be tested monthly instead.
  20. lastevns

    How to reorder reagents???

    Hi all, Though my TF Test Kit came with plenty of reagents, I'm left with about a quarter of my CYA reagent (R0013). I used more because I had a hard time figuring out the reading until someone here explained it to me. So, is it possible to order a refill of that or do I need to order a full...
  21. lastevns

    Need recommendations for best muriatic acid

    Thank you. Read the article here on MA. So, I know to wear eye cover and gloves. Going to look for the higher percentage stuff!
  22. lastevns

    Received the TF-100 Test Kit today and it arrived hot to the touch? Should I be worried

    I wish. We are in a five-year drought that thretens to cause water rationing. To even have a pool in this area is fairly irresponsible of me. But, my family is from cold-weather country originally and I think it's in my DNA to hate heat. So, I'm trying to be semi responsible but still survive in...
  23. lastevns

    Need recommendations for best muriatic acid

    Just that. What should I buy (brand) and at what level (strength). Also, how much should I consider buying given that I need to get my TA down (something I may still need to do even after draining and refilling pool to add better pavers). Thx!
  24. lastevns

    Received the TF-100 Test Kit today and it arrived hot to the touch? Should I be worried

    Decided NOT to try to lower the TA for now as the pool is about to be drained, the pavers replaced flush with the leveled earth and the pool refilled. But, once refilled I will have to baseline all my numbers again. So, at that point, since my PH has consistently stayed at 7.8, I will probably...
  25. lastevns

    Received the TF-100 Test Kit today and it arrived hot to the touch? Should I be worried

    Jut seeing this whole thread. Guess I didn't read it completely when it first came in. And, yes, if I stare for a few seconds, I see that the dot is down there. So, like someone else also suggested, I will use the "glance" method. Doing this as well, now.
  26. lastevns

    Received the TF-100 Test Kit today and it arrived hot to the touch? Should I be worried

    Yeah, you get the swamp, we get the desert. Right about now (it's 92 degrees), I think I might trade you!
  27. lastevns

    Received the TF-100 Test Kit today and it arrived hot to the touch? Should I be worried

    Yeah, I discovered I could make an addition of the PH. And, I want to support the site, no question. Just wanted to know how the app works prior to committing to a monthly sub fee. But, I have commitment issues. I might be the only woman I know who is just fine having a BF rather than a husband...
  28. lastevns

    Received the TF-100 Test Kit today and it arrived hot to the touch? Should I be worried

    I hadn't tested PH before so I went out and tested it. Then I came back in to add it to the Pool Math app. I get a message saying I have to subscribe. So, do I only get to add test numbers once before having to subscribe? Even if not aall the numbers were filled in? That seems odd.
  29. lastevns

    CYA Test question

    This IS helpful. I definitely could NOT see the dot at 30 (I mean, if I stared a long time I knew it was a little darker down there but if I didn't know there was a dot, I might not notice the darkness). So, I am marking my CYA as 40 based on your suggestion. Also, I will look for the solution. Thx!