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  1. K

    Magnesium/Mineral pools, how to convert

    The corrosiveness is really confusing me. What I could also showed that magnesium was more corrosive, and potassium maybe comparable. And yet the consumer reports from those who use mineral pools report lower corrosion, and no need for a sacrificial anode. I'm definitely not clear on the...
  2. K

    Magnesium/Mineral pools, how to convert

    Bloody heck - I search through every post that mentions "magnesium" before posting anything, and only when I actually make my own thread does the "similar threads" list point to this post. <sigh> I thought one of the benefits of Magnesium Chloride/Potassium Chloride mixes, in lieu of Sodium...
  3. K

    Magnesium/Mineral pools, how to convert

    Thank you, Newdude - the CYA level is something I hadn't been paying too much attention to yet. I was following the advice of the guys at AquaQuip to start, and this hadn't come up. But looking at the records, it's risen from 70 to 109 in the last three months. So, now to do something about...
  4. K

    Magnesium/Mineral pools, how to convert

    I recently purchased a house with an indoor pool (in the Seattle area), and am trying to research what it would take to convert it to a salt water system, or ideally a magnesium/potassium system (and to be clear, magnesium chloride, not the magnesium sulfate of Epsom salts). Lots of places call...