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  1. P

    Getting FC Levels Right

    Thank you. If I got to 8 or 9, that is not too high for kids to swim in?
  2. P

    Getting FC Levels Right

    We are about one month into the TFP method, having done a SLAM after opening. I'm trying to find the sweet spot for FC relative to my CYA and use of the pool. Generally speaking, we have been getting FC to 7 ppm just after sunset. CYA is 40. Over the course of 24 hours, it has been pretty...
  3. P

    CYA and TA

    Thanks, you are very helpful! I was wondering if the reagent wasn't good, so that clears that up. I was thinking maybe ammonia, but if I recall, my FC levels would be pretty much nothing with the presence of ammonia correct?
  4. P

    CYA and TA

    Two quick questions: Can CYA level drop quickly, and if so, how? -Upon opening, the CYA was only 5. We added using the sock method to get CYA to 40, and my own test and the pool store test verified the CYA level was in fact 40 (same results). I had the pool store run one because that's a...
  5. P

    First time SLAM - 1 Week In

    I am going to check the CYA again today to be sure. I definitely did another complete check of anything anywhere that could be hiding any organic matter. We lost 5 ppm overnight, which is the most. It was unusually hot here during the day (almost 90), and the pool deck was covered with but I...
  6. P

    First time SLAM - 1 Week In

    Thanks, here is the link to the testing numbers: PoolMath Logs I will link that in my profile as well.
  7. P

    First time SLAM - 1 Week In

    Yes, pollen is one of the things I was wondering. We did go through all of the potential hiding places (removed the light and brushed inside the niche, replaced the light after 2 days of water circulating, took out the steps ). I haven't removed the drain cover but I've brushed and gotten...
  8. P

    First time SLAM - 1 Week In

    Thank you. The gauge does fall to 0 when off, I wasn't clear. I meant that I haven't had an increase in pressure. I'm generally just puzzled as to where the FC loss overnight is. The water has looked crystal clear for over a week, and we brush and vacuum, but we get the same FC loss every night.
  9. P

    First time SLAM - 1 Week In

    Thanks, I will give it a look. I haven't been in the water yet as it has been too cold, but I'll see if I can spy it from another angle. I know I've brought a number of topics in this thread, but to the original question, right now the light niche has been scrubbed as much as reasonably...
  10. P

    First time SLAM - 1 Week In

    Even though there was condensation, assuming air was getting in, you did not have an issue with water getting into the housing?
  11. P

    First time SLAM - 1 Week In

    Also, this is what the wire going into the light looks like. Is that normal? Electrical makes me nervous.
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  13. P

    First time SLAM - 1 Week In

    Ok another silly question: Since the pool light has been out, I noticed some condensation on the inside of the cover. Do I need to replace the gasket before putting it back into the pool? Is there risk of shock?
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  15. P

    First time SLAM - 1 Week In

    Thank you. Since I have the pool light and ladder out of the water, what should I clean the underside of the stairs and light with? Scrub and bleach water?
  16. P

    First time SLAM - 1 Week In

    Thanks, I was able to remove the light from the pool. It is currently sitting on the deck. A bunch of what looked like mold came out, will have to vacuum tomorrow. How long can I leave the pool light safely on the deck? Basically, how long should I leave the pool light out before replacing it...
  17. P

    First time SLAM - 1 Week In

    Thank you, I will give that a try tomorrow.
  18. P

    First time SLAM - 1 Week In

    I tossed the Pristine immediately. I had read enough on here before opening to know that copper =/= sanitizer, so I never added any of that in. The steps are removable, but were pretty tight when I try to remove right now. Like, not budging tight. Also, the light sounds like what you...
  19. P

    First time SLAM - 1 Week In

    Yes, and it reaches the 16 ppm mark 30 minutes after the last addition. Regarding the light niches/ladders, can you elaborate? I brush the ladder steps each time. There is a light that I also brush, but we haven't been in the water yet, if that requires removing the bulb or cover, as the temps...
  20. P

    First time SLAM - 1 Week In

    This is my first time owning a pool and caring for it. The stain irks me... But, in terms of the 3 criteria, we have consistently been at .5 CC or less for most of the week. I'm using the 10 ml line and when I test, it is very faint and clears up completely in one drop. For the OCLT, I lose...
  21. P

    First time SLAM - 1 Week In

    We've been SLAMing following the guidelines for about a week now. We have not seen any real improvement in the testing since the beginning. When the pool was first opened, we had high CC and the FC was being eaten up quickly. It took a positive turn after a short time with SLAM (1-2 days)...
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  23. P

    Dolphin Cleaner During SLAM

    Hi, I was wondering if the dolphin robotic pool cleaner can/should be used during SLAM, or should I continue to use the vacuum through the filter? Thank you
  24. P

    SLAM Questions

    May or may not be related, but this is a picture of the liner around the drain area.
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  26. P

    SLAM Questions

    So we just opened our pool and had very low CYA (5) and the FC was being eaten up quickly. We thought maybe we had ammonia, but the FC held after an hour, so it must have just been interacting with the contaminants early on. We balanced the pool to have a PH of 7.2, TA of 60, and CYA of 41...
  27. P

    Vinyl Faded/Flaking around Main Floor Drains

    Agreed, we definitely wouldn't patch due to fading. The pictures don't show it well but it appears as if the liner is flaking up. When we brush over that spot, it is rough and there is more resistance compared to other parts of the pool. We haven't gotten in there yet because the water is 50...
  28. P

    Vinyl Faded/Flaking around Main Floor Drains

    We have a pool that is about 10-12 years old, but is new to us as the new homeowners. After opening the pool this season, we noticed that around the two main drains in the deep end of the pool, the liner is faded almost white and looks a top layer is peeling in pieces. We are going to have a...
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