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  1. Malka

    Fun spa level mysteries

    trying to help a friend with her indoor spa she had her indoor spa levels tested at Leslie’s. FCL 3.23 TCL 4.70 CCL 1.47 pH 7.3 alk 24 hard 10 CYA 5 copper 0.3 iron 0.0 phos 3206 900 gallon indoor glass tiled spa with a lot of marble, about 2 years old. It was recently emptied and refilled...
  2. Malka

    Altering a filter? Custom filters?

    The filters we use are no longer available. There is a similar filter, but the top hole size is 1/2” too large. Has anyone altered a filter? Does anyone know a source for customized spa filters?
  3. Malka

    Wait, what? Combined bromines aren’t measured like CC?

    I’m the caretaker for 2 spas in NYC. ~1200 gallons each Use bromine tabs/liquid chlorine CH 225 pH 7.2-7.5, creeps up to 7.8, lowered with liquid muriatic acid 95* F I’ve been chugging along for 15 months with my tf-100 (with refreshed reagents). Somehow I missed that combined bromines aren’t...
  4. Malka

    Bromine tabs brand for indoor spa

    I finally finished the 50lb bucket of bromine tabs that were there when I started 2 years ago. Are all bromine tabs safe for indoor use? Is there anything that makes one kind better or worse?
  5. Malka

    No way to test bromine bank?

    I do partial top up fills of a few gallons 1-2 times a week. How can I know if my bromine bank exists? Testing after Cl shock will tell me about the chlorine I added. MPS shock also interferes with the sanitized testing. I added startup level granulated bromine when I changed the water last...
  6. Malka

    Quick TA and pH testing questions

    Hi! I maintain 2 private indoor spas. Thanks to TFP, I have been able to test the water and maintain safe sanitizer levels. We also solved our cloudiness issues. The filter runs about 12 hours/day, in 2 sessions. I realize the aeration from the filter might effect pH. got my TA up to ~90 pH...
  7. Malka

    Refill colorq test kit or other kit of strips?

    I’m the new caretaker of an indoor spa. I’m trying to get a handle on the chemicals. I found an assortment of unopened test kits. The newest expired 2 years ago. I read up on this and I tossed all of them. I bought a new tube of test strips. There is a ColorQ kit here. It’s the colorq pro7...