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  1. Ripple

    Help Bypassing Nature2

    I would like to remove my Nature2 chlorinator. It’s not in use and it’s leaking (again). I ordered another o-ring for it and installed it when I got this evening. It’s still leaking.......ugh. Hope this isn’t a stupid question........Couldn’t I just have a male threaded end attached to 2” PVC...
  2. Ripple

    Rising pH and several other issues

    Well, after joining TFP, doing my initial round of testing and completing a long SLAM process, I have been settling in and enjoying my crystal clear water (crazy clear) and getting to know my pool (chemically) under "regular" circumstances. I've got several issues I would like to run past you...
  3. Ripple

    Leaking Jandy Filter - Advice Needed

    I have a Jandy CL460 cartridge filter that is 8 years old. I noticed this week that it is leaking from the bottom. I inspected it very carefully and it is not leaking from the drain plug or the band. At this point I am assuming it has a hole/crack in the bottom. I looked into replacing the...
  4. Ripple

    Scaling Questions

    I have some questions regarding scaling. I have owned the home/pool for 5 years but recently took over management. I have always had what I am guessing is calcium scaling? See pictures below. I can't honestly say if it's been there the whole time but I do believe it has (prior to me owning...
  5. Ripple

    Advice on switching to SWCG

    Hello good folks, I am considering making the switch to a SWCG. I currently have a Nature2 Fusion (tablet feeder and mineral sanitizer) which I do not use (it's basically empty and serves no purpose). I am 100% on liquid chlorine. I have been reading up on SWCG's but have no direct...
  6. Ripple

    Nature 2 Fusion Question

    My pool has a Nature 2 Fusion chlorine tablet feeder/mineral sanitizer. I bought the home 5 years ago and have never replaced or bought one of the "cartridges" for the mineral sanitizer side. It's only been used a chlorine tablet feeder. I become a TFP convert in early August and am now only...
  7. Ripple

    2-inch PVC warped into heater

    Moved from here. I am digging up this old thread because I have the exact same issue. Did you ever figure out the cause? The heater cool down makes sense but not quite sure why it doesn't happen on the output side? Any advice is appreciated. I have never replaced PVC before but have been...
  8. Ripple

    Adding Calcium Chloride and Baking Soda

    My CH tested at 175 and TA at 50 this morning. I picked up a bucket of calcium chloride and a bag of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda this afternoon. According to Pool Math, 25 lbs of calcium chloride will bump my CH from 175 to 260 and 9 lbs, 6 oz will bump TA from 50 to 70. I am new at this and...
  9. Ripple

    Excel & PDF Chlorine / CYA Charts

    Hello everyone, As a daily Excel user, I decided to make myself a workbook with the Chlorine / CYA charts (along with PDF copies). I know this is overkill and not needed by most, but thought I would share just in case there were any other spreadsheet nerds who could benefit from it. Files...
  10. Ripple

    Light Niche Question - First SLAM

    Hope this question is in the right forum....wasn't sure where to put it. I am at the tail end of my first SLAM process. My pool looks amazing and I have never seen the water so clear since purchasing the home 5 years ago. Thank you to this wonderful forum and the good folks who provide...
  11. Ripple

    Surprised by CYA test results

    I purchased a home with a pool 5 years ago. I continued the same pool service the previous owners used. They came weekly and used 3" trichlor tabs in a chlorinator and/or skimmer baskets. I made a decision to take over management of the pool this summer. I purchased a TF-100 test kit, read...