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  1. T

    Is this an abnormal amount of acid for a spa?

    I am having trouble reducing TA and lowering pH, despite following the procedures described on this site. Spa is 290 gallons. CH is 300, TA is at 110 and pH is at 8.2 despite adding a lot of acid. I'm using the aeration/acid approach, and TA started at 220, so it's making progress, but is it...
  2. T

    Had our spa just a week and already hate Baqua

    Finally got the spa converted. I'd forgotten what water looked like. It's clear, and doesn't feel funny. However, I am having trouble reducing TA, despite following the procedures described on this site. CH is ~300, TA is at 110 despite adding a lot of acid, and pH won't hold still (last night...
  3. T

    Had our spa just a week and already hate Baqua

    Thanks! I had already ordered a replacement filter with plans to toss the one I have. My plan is: 1) Drain. 2) Remove filter. 3) Try to scrape as much gunk off the waterline as possible (without scratching). Not sure what I'll use here to assist. May have to cough up some more money for...
  4. T

    Had our spa just a week and already hate Baqua

    Okay, I have a test kit on the way, along with SpaFlush and a replacement filter. I will drain, clean, refill, flush, drain, fill, DiChlor, and start the BBB process. What should I use to remove the hideous brown goo from the spa? There is a special Baqua product to clean spa shells, but I'd...
  5. T

    Had our spa just a week and already hate Baqua

    Was waffling, then happened to open the skimmer top a bit ago and recoiled at the sight of large deposits of brown crud. This stuff is an expensive joke.
  6. T

    Had our spa just a week and already hate Baqua

    We only have two bathers. We always shower before entry. We did not add a clarifier--the only chemicals in the water are a bit of pH decreaser, and the three Baqua chemicals. Amounts were measured properly and were introduced per the instructions (and in the correct order, with the correct wait...
  7. T

    Had our spa just a week and already hate Baqua

    Thank you! I'll do some more reading, buy a test kit, and slog through the conversion.
  8. T

    Had our spa just a week and already hate Baqua

    Bitter taste, weird smell, cloudy water, weird brown foam goo ring with the consistency of rubber cement, etc.--and this is a brand-new spa! Shouldn't have listened to the sales guy (he's an okay guy, been in business for decades, which is hard to do if you're evil), but he really loves Baqua...