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  1. S

    Jandy 3 way valve assembly replacement

    Hi there! Ordered what I thought was the correct diverter for the below valve but what came didn’t have a hole in the bottom to sit on the pin in the valve itself- I’ve searched and searched but I’m not sure the model and most pictures in the descriptions don’t show if it has a hole at the...
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    Ph / alk question

    Hi! I’ve been doing very well this summer after slamming initially. noticed my ph dropped from 7.4 to 6.8 over the last couple of weeks. Tc was steady at 4. Found some algae growing today on my light after two days of heavy rains. I use pucks but keep liquid on hand to raise when needed. After I...
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    Hayward light fixture SP-573L

    Hi! during slam process we decided to remove the light (which we had not tested yet this summer or turned on the breaker for it) turns out the housing was filled with water/part that bulb screws into all rusted as well. Took it out, emptied water and also found that the back of the fixture had...
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    What order to do what? Any help appreciated

    Hi! 2nd year owner . Still trying to figure it all out. -24k vinyl pool opened Saturday. New de filter installed same day. Opened to light green water and lots of algae. Cleared up in about 24 hours after 2 vaccuum t waste. Numbers all over the place this week. This is what I got today after...
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    Pool Newbie with question

    new house, new to us pool! (vinyl, de pump, 24k gallons) i've been getting by with the hach strips / occasional water testing at local pool place will purchase full kit for next year. The last few weeks saw some algae here and there and pink-ish slime that comes off by hand not so much with...