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  1. smenzel

    No bleach, HD shipment? Definitely have had no luck with finding bleach anywhere near me. Has anyone used this before from home depot?
  2. smenzel

    Help users find Liquid Chlorine

    Following. Haven't started opening up our pool yet because of this.
  3. smenzel


    The Chipmunks have been very bad at my new house. I have temporarily placed rocks around holes that I have seen. (Researching methods of tackling the Chipmunks in general) There were 2 holes at the base of my above ground pool and overnight they have dug beside one and now there is a very deep...
  4. smenzel

    Leak and new pool owner

    Great. Thank you. Swam all around today trying to find something to no avail. May have to have someone come take a look. In the meantime I can't run the pump or vacuum because it's below the skimmer. How can I keep the pool clean until then? It's already cloudy ?.
  5. smenzel

    Leak and new pool owner

    So I am a new pool owner. Moved in about 2 months ago and started working on our 24ft above ground pool. After a LONG slam process, we finally have had a working pool for about 2 weeks. My son and husband swam in it today and after they were done he brushed the pool. (He noticed a algae actually...
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  9. smenzel

    Hard time with new pool

    Yes it is a multiport and we do rinse it after backwashing. Still coming out dirty. Sorry yes, it is a suction side vacuum. Still new to all the right terms ? there a reference for deep cleaning a sand filter you could share? Again this is all new to me but willing to learn. Thanks.
  10. smenzel

    Hard time with new pool

    So we are completely clear, levels are all good! But now there is dirty water coming out of the return jet. We noticed it after putting in a robot vacuum to try and then again after backwashing today. Not sure if it's always done this because we've just now gotten clear water to see. My husband...
  11. smenzel

    Hard time with new pool

    So I can see the bottom of the pool now but the water is just cloudy. It hasn't really been green for awhile now that I think of it...just cloudy. We've maintained the chlorine levels for over three weeks now. So we're just dealing with cloudy water. Anything else I can do?
  12. smenzel

    Hard time with new pool

    Ok so I'm able to see a bit more today. I can actually see the sides of the pool deeper down and actually see the algae (black, slimy) We really scrubbed hard at it and was able to see it come off where as before we just blindly scrubbed. So my question is... Is it unsafe to actually get it in...
  13. smenzel

    Hard time with new pool

    How long can the slam process last? I just feel like I'm doing everything I'm supposed to and not getting anywhere. The water looks a little better, but not much in comparison.
  14. smenzel

    Hard time with new pool

    Yes, the pump is on 24/7. Testing FC every 4-6 hours and adding bleach as needed to maintain slam chlorine level. Brush once a day, I did notice today that there was a noticeable darker area seen in the water (hadn't been able to see anything but green so far so maybe it is getting clearer) and...
  15. smenzel

    Hard time with new pool

    I have been SLAMming since Tuesday. Today is Sunday. When will I start to see clear water? It definitely looks better but still green/cloudy. How do I know when to stop slamming? I've been maintaining my cya/FC slam amount consistently and brushing.
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  17. smenzel

    Hard time with new pool

    Ok got my test kit in and am ready to SLAM. CYA: less than 30 pH: 7.0 Base Demand: 3 drops TA: 90 ppm
  18. smenzel

    Hard time with new pool

    Ah I see. Test again till it reaches 5ppm. Got it. Ah I see.
  19. smenzel

    Hard time with new pool

    Thank you for the information. I have ordered a recommended test kit. I have put 5 gallons of bleach in the meantime. Should I do more or wait and test again? It was at 3.4 FC. Also, do I keep it filtering or backwash? I have just kept the filter on 24/7 at this point.
  20. smenzel

    Hard time with new pool

    Thank you for your reply. Sorry I hadn't read all the requirements before originally posting. I will try and get a better idea before hand before posting. Current readings based on my test kit (not a recommended one because I just came across this website and will need to buy a proper kit) FC...
  21. smenzel

    Hard time with new pool

    Hello! We just moved into our new home 7/12. We have a 24 round above ground pool that we had no idea if it was usable. We were intimidated by it so I called some pool guys to help open it up for us to get started with the intention of maintaining after they opened. Ended up having to replace...
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