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    Pentair Intellitouch controlling 3rd party pandscape lights

    I was hoping to add pentair 690019 landscape lights to my yard but it seems nearly impossible to purchase them. Does anyone know if the intellitouch panel will control 3rd party lights?
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    Intex Saltwater Cell/Filter ECO20110-1

    This might be too specific for this forum but I can't seem to find a specifically intex forum. I have this ECO20110-1 saltwater cell/filter. It has a daily timer feature which is handy enough however I only need to fun the cell about 8 hours a day while I really need to run the filter more. I...
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    New Pool Chlorine Levels (saltwater)

    Sorta what I thought. Thanks guys.
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    New Pool Chlorine Levels (saltwater)

    Just installed this pool last weekend. It's an intex ultra frame 32x16x48" so I'm assuming the size stretches the limits of the saltwater cell. Pool was full on Saturday and saltwater system was producing free chlorine Saturday night. I added shock and algaecide to start with and ordered some...