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  1. X

    vinyl pool, how far can i drain?

    Long story short, I hired someone to take care of my in-ground pool for a while which was a mistake, and now my CYA levels are off the charts (I'd guess 160? Neither test kit I have goes past 100). Being afraid to drain the water too low in my vinyl pool, I drained probably 6 inches out and...
  2. X

    does a solar pool cover need to be touching the water?

    To go along with my other thread on how to make a solar cover easier... I'm wondering if I have an in ground pool, does the cover actually need to be sitting on the water to be effective? Or can it just be on top of the concrete up a few inches from the pool? My thought is: I could build 1 or...
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    solar cover, how to increase ease of taking on / off

    Solar covers for a pool are great, keeps water, chlorine and heat in. What's awful is having to put the cover on and take it off, it makes me use my pool a lot less when I have to go through the hassle for a quick 30min swim. Especially if I don't have anyone else to grab another corner and have...
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    Solar Heaters

    Hi, Does anyone have any experience with solar pool heaters? I'm debating between getting solar heaters and a gas heater (Gas heater is going to cost about $6500 due to difficulties running a gas line). I live in southern california, so I get lots of sun, and I have the roof space for quite a...
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    SWG automation

    Hi, I'm looking into converting to a salt water pool. Something I always assumed is that you would set a ppm level for the chlorine, and the SWG unit would measure the chlorine levels in your pool and output chlorine until it hits your set PPM and turn off. Now that I'm looking at them - it...