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  1. H

    Free chlorine 48ppm???

    Hi all! Well since my pool has been opened for a few weeks I thought it best to do a water test using my TFT100 test kit. Originally I used my chemicals from 2 years ago that have been good the past 2 years. I performed the initial drop test in theyellow side of the block doohinky, as well as...
  2. H

    Vinyl liner issues and pool cleaner.

    Hi all! New owner of an inground pool with a vinyl liner. The liner seems to be sagging in a few spots, and has air under the "tile" pretty much all the way around. The former owner claimed the liner was 3 years old. I have seen YouTube vids on fixing the sagging spots. But the air pocket all...
  3. H

    Hello from Indiana!

    My name is Heather and I am very excited to be moving to a new house that has an inground pool. I have never had a pool, so I am glad to have found this forum. ?
  4. H

    Pool cleaner suggestions for 27000 gal. 36x18 inground with vinyl liner?

    I was thinking about the Dolphin Nautilus CC plus. But don't know if it is safe for the vinyl liner. It has a 9 foot deep end with very steep slopes. This is a pool at our new house we are moving into. The current owner was nice enough to show us the layout but the process of vacuuming looked...