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  1. manning7987

    New to sand filters

    What is sigs new to this
  2. manning7987

    New to sand filters

    Should I switch from sand to bio balls?
  3. manning7987

    New to sand filters

    Should I start from scratch and add new sand and back wash?
  4. manning7987

    New to sand filters

    Ok thank you most helpful
  5. manning7987

    New to sand filters

    I did not perform a back wash wish I did.
  6. manning7987

    New to sand filters

    I think I might have over filled the sand filter but when I turn it on sand only came out for a few seconds what do you think sorry very new to this!
  7. manning7987

    New to sand filters

    Ok thank you I also didn’t have any chlorine to put in the pool for about 24 hours should I shock the pool maybe it’s algae
  8. manning7987

    New to sand filters

    I just bought a 14’ pool and thought I should have a sand filter. After I set everything up I turned the filter on and sand shot out of the filter into the pool for just a few seconds then the water coming out of the filter was clear but my pool remains cloudy. Any help would be appreciated...