Search results

  1. Sadiebug

    splash free formula bleach

    I usually buy liquid chlorine in bulk and automatically add daily doses with peristaltic pump on a timer. However, I have not gotten my chlorine yet and was just adding jugs of bleach to get by until I do. I made the mistake of adding some of the splash free formula bleach and now my water is...
  2. Sadiebug

    How to cut return line without draining pool

    What is the simplest way to block return lines to avoid draining pool while installing chlorine injector check valve? Can I just turn pump off and turn the eyes on the return lines sideways to stop flow or do I need to remove eyes and cap return lines with some type of fitting? I need to cut the...
  3. Sadiebug

    Bulk Chlorine

    I am going to start buying liquid chlorine 12.5% in 55 gallon drums. I would like to plumb it directly into the return line so all I need to do to chlorinate is flip a switch. I am looking for recommendations for the type of pump to use, suggested flow rate, type and size of tubing to use. I am...
  4. Sadiebug

    CYA too high

    I just opened my pool 4 months ago after resurfacing. I was using Trichlor tabs as primary chlorine source, but CYA quickly jumped to over 80. I have switched to LC after replacing water to lower CYA. Is there any trick to using Trichlor to prevent skyrocketing CYA?