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  1. D

    Aggressive Algae - Hate to even think about using Pool RX!!!

    I write all my numbers down on a printed Excel sheet so I can see them in one shot over the course of the summer. I only log numbers when I need a calc (SLAM, adjust PH/ALK, etc.)
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    Aggressive Algae - Hate to even think about using Pool RX!!!

    I've got a Hayward TurboCell TCELL940. If 5.9 is all it makes, how am I holding 8.0-9.0 constantly? Poolmatch says to raise my CYA to 70-80 but at 45 I'm holding FC at 85% SWG.
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    Aggressive Algae - Hate to even think about using Pool RX!!!

    I log it and my numbers have looked great all summer. I've been picking about 2 frogs out of the pool every day - could they have brought it in?
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    Aggressive Algae - Hate to even think about using Pool RX!!!

    Phosphates is from the pool store, everything is else is from my Taylor K-2006C kit that I test weekly and track.
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    Aggressive Algae - Hate to even think about using Pool RX!!!

    Have a 30K salt pool and had algae come out of no where. I'll sweep the pool and within 2 days, it starts creeping back - always in the deep end and in the same couple spots. Below are my numbers with pool math recommendations. CYA: 45 (60-90) FC: 9.0 (3-9) PH: 7.5 (7.2-8.0) ALK: 70 (50-90)...
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    Numbers look good - why Algae?

    Appreciate the info! One other thing... Back in April we were getting ready to leave for a week long trip over spring break and I was doing my final check over everything. Noticed a little green in one corner and freaked out knowing I couldn't SLAM because I'd be gone and we were leaving in...
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    Numbers look good - why Algae?

    Test FC/PH/TA once a week, CYA once a month. Test is always done during the day, normally middle of the day. I run my pump 8am-4pm and this test was done at 3pm, so should be a pretty accurate read.
  8. D

    Numbers look good - why Algae?

    Salt Pool with the numbers below. See a little green in the same spots everyday and brush, but it returns the next day. When I brush the liner walls/floor, I see a cloud of what looks like algae disperse. What gives? Thanks! CYA: 50 FC: 6.5 PH: 7.6 TA: 60
  9. D

    Sand in Pool - Lateral or Spider Gasket??

    That make sense it's just intermittent and driving me crazy. Even if the same bed lifted into the MPV, wouldn't that sand dump to street when I rinse? Thanks!
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    Sand in Pool - Lateral or Spider Gasket??

    Gotta update... I vac to waste and removed all sand from the pool and ran the pump for 2 weeks without anything in the pool. Backwashed for 5 minutes, then rinsed for 1 minute before flipping back to filter. Sand dumped out into the street where my backwash drains and returned back into the...
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    Building a covered porch - ceiling ideas

    Building a covered porch off of the back of my house so guest have a place to chill in the shade. About 70' in total length. Anyone have a recommendation on ceiling material? I will have a natural gas fire pit under it, but 10' away from the ceiling and I'm guessing smoke stain shouldn't be a...
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    Sand in Pool - Lateral or Spider Gasket??

    Hey what is the even called? Thanks!
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    Sand in Pool - Lateral or Spider Gasket??

    How would I attach the skimmer sock to the return? Do the return fitting just unthread without causing issue to the liner? Also, is there a way to clean the pool of sand/dead algae without vaccum to waste? Can't tell what on the bottom and would hate to replcae the later assembly + 500lbs of...
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    Sand in Pool - Lateral or Spider Gasket??

    So I vacuumed the pool, turned on the filter to recirculate, ran for 30 minutes and no sand. Is that a definite lateral issue or could it be a spider gasket?
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    Sand in Pool - Lateral or Spider Gasket??

    It's fine - kinda like sand but I guess it could be pollen or algae. My number are all 100% good and it's not a ton of sand, but noticable from outside the pool right where the return is. Thanks!
  16. D

    Sand in Pool - Lateral or Spider Gasket??

    2nd year with a new pool and I've seen a little bit of sand in the pool over the last year. Was hoping it was being blown in from the dirt before our deck was poured, but appears not. Today my robot cleaned the pool and as soon as I turned the pump on, saw sand in the shallow end after an hour...
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    Winter - Pump Run Time when it's <55 degrees

    I remove my salt cell in the winter, so there isn’t chlorine to distribute. Skim I get, but I only need that for an hour or so.
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    Winter - Pump Run Time when it's <55 degrees

    Was told that when the water temp drops below 55 degrees, I can turn off my salt cell and not create chlorine due to algae not being able to grow. I typically run my pump 1 hour for every 10 degrees of air temp, however if algae can't grow, do I really need to run my pump? It auto cuts on when...
  19. D

    First summer with a pool - think I have algae...

    Ok everyone help me out here.... SLAMMED my pool and got rid of algae, everything was perfect over the last 2-3 weeks. Just went out of town for a week and before I left, my pool had a CYA 45 and FC 4.5. I dumped maybe 24oz of LC in before leaving that was left over from the SLAM - figured it...
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    First summer with a pool - think I have algae...

    That's good to know - I will target 10% of my CYA. Question for ya.... My CYA of 50 would need a FC of 5. I turned my salt cell from 40% to 70% and today registered 3.5 (was 3.0 at 40%). How can I raise my FC to 5? Keep increasing the salt cell %?
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    First summer with a pool - think I have algae...

    Rancho- You've been a ton of help and I think over this past week i've got it dialed in pretty close. FC: 3.0 (was 2.5 an hour ago and I increased my SWG % from 40% to 70%) CYA: 50 ALK: 80 PH: 7.8 CYA/FC Chart says a SWG pool should have 60-100 CYA, with 70-90 recommended. With a CYA of 60...
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    First summer with a pool - think I have algae...

    CYA = 60. Good to go. FC = 9.0 and has been for the last few days. Hasn't been as sunny which might be slowing down the process. I was running my chlorinator around 70-80 before the SLAM, reduced to 40 and just dropped to 20. Is there a typical % used or is all pool specific? Also, I've got...
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    First summer with a pool - think I have algae...

    Hey on the salt kit, my OminLogic read the average salt, showing 3200ppm right now. Are they typically accurate? Thanks!
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    First summer with a pool - think I have algae...

    Thanks for the info. I’m in VA and my pool gets full sun all day - 0 trees or obstructions. I’ve read that raising your CYA too much, you need to replace water so I want to be careful. My app says add 5Lbs of stabilizer. Is this a trip to the pool store or is there a grocery store or Home...
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    First summer with a pool - think I have algae...

    That works - I'll go SLAM now and get back to 16.0ppm for the day. Do I definitely need my CYA at 60 min? The PoolMath app shows recommended 30-60 and ideal 40-50...I'm at 40. Thanks!
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    First summer with a pool - think I have algae...

    Appreciate your help! OCLT dropped from 16.0 to 15.0, TC .05 and pool looks clear as ever. Algae should be gone! Question: referencing the link provided below, with a SWG pool the CYA starts at 60 and mine is at 40. My plan was to wean the pool off LC today, testing hourly, then once I hit my...
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    First summer with a pool - think I have algae...

    8:15am: at target FC 16.0 11:30am: at FC 14.0, CC .1, CYA 40 Added required LC to bring 14.0 back to 16.0 Chlorine/CYA Chart shows a CYA of 40 shows...MIN FC 3, target 4-6, SLAM 16. And 40% of 40 is 16. Since I'm at 16, my kids should be good. They've been in for an hour now and nobody is...
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    First summer with a pool - think I have algae...

    Good to know - might let my kids jump in today after 3 days out. Just tested my OCLT and I would have sworn I'd be good but I'm not. After SLAM (target is 16) Morning Day 1: FC drops -2 from 17.0 to 15.0 Morning 2: FC drops -2.5 from 16.0 to 13.5 Brushed all day yesterday and not seeing signs...