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  1. B

    soda ash

    My pool store just instructed me to add one pound of soda ash to my pool and let it sit for 4 hours. Do I use the same amount of Arm & Hammer Washing Soda as I would the store brand of soda ash?
  2. B

    Test results after killing mustard algae

    I am using a test kit and I used a 68% strength shock. Algae is gone.....I just need to know how to re-balance my pool. I can't imagine if I turn around and use the SLAM process right after the treatment I have done could be good for the vinyl and equipment. Just guessing!!
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    Test results after killing mustard algae

    I just tested the pool water again because it has been raining all day. The results are as follows: Chlorine: ?? Water color is dark orange Ph: 7.2 Alk: 0 CH: 0 CYA: 60
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    Test results after killing mustard algae

    I have a 10,000 gallon vinyl above ground pool that I have just treated (and hopefully killed!) a case of mustard algae. In doing this I used 9 one pound bags of GLB Super Charge shock (68%) and two floating chlorine dispensers each holding 4 or 5 three inch pucks over a 3 day period. When...
  5. B

    I always have trouble removing or replacing hoses to my pump and sand filter

    It seems like every year have to buy new hoses because the ones I tried to remove in the fall wouldn't come off easily, so my husband ends up cutting them off. Same goes for getting the pool ready in the spring. It is almost impossible to slide the hoses onto the proper outlets/inlets. Can a...