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  1. T

    Possible issue with my pool

    City water. I checked and there is nothing about iron being in the water but it does contain small amounts of lead and copper. I've put a link to the 2022 city water report. I'll definitely continue the SLAM for now. This isn't my first SLAM so I'm...
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    Possible issue with my pool

    So I've been doing a slam since Saturday and it is going quite well. The water was a swamp due to just to many leaves and no cover. The water is clearing up still not finished as I can still see the bottom on the deep end. From just a few minutes ago: FC: 14.5 CC: 0 TA: 40 pH: 7.4 CH: 30 CYA...
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    Metal stains or something else?

    This took a lot longer to do than I anticipated. It definitely came off with vitamin c. I'm not really sure what to do after that.
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    Metal stains or something else?

    Dont have any vitamin C around the house but I'm going to try to get some today and test tomorrow. I will post here with an update. Appreciate any help at all.
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    Metal stains or something else?

    I appreciate it. Do I need to do anything to the water? I know the potions store would have me do weird things but I've left them behind.
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    Metal stains or something else?

    In the middle of a long long slam (in week 3+), I really let the pool go after a winter. I've got some stains that are just not wanting to come up with brushing and only get a little lighter when scrubbing with something like a magic eraser or something.
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    Just can't get clear

    Sorry for the delay in response but no I didnt. I kind of want to pick up a bag for a bit of cleaning up as needed.
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    Just can't get clear

    My pool finally cleared up on Saturday. I've called SLAM done. With a sand filter it takes a long time.
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    Just can't get clear

    New readings: FC : 16.5 CC: 0.5 CH: 50
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    Just can't get clear

    Appreciate all info. Just want to reiterate that I have done SLAM successfully 2 other times (no winter cover and neighbor's leaves love my pool). I check it probably 4 to 6 times a day. My CYA is at 40 and I'm slamming to maintain a FC of 16. There is no major organic materials....maybe a...
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    Just can't get clear

    I use Liquid Chlorine exclusively until Monday morning since I was going out of town and put a couple of Tricholor tabs in the skimmer to help keep the levels up while I was gone for 28 hours. I haven't been checking it since I thought I read on here it wasn't a big deal. The last time I...
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    Just can't get clear

    This morning was FC : 16 CC: 0.5 CYA : 40 No pictures but the shallow end is clear and deep end is clear to about 4.5 feet down. Haven't considered DE. The sand is actually brand new as I just had it changed.
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    Just can't get clear

    Oh and yes the pump runs 24/7 and I backwash when the pressure builds passed the normal running PSI on my gauge.
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    Just can't get clear

    Unfortunately I dont have any before pictures but my pool was super green. I've been SLAM'ing for 3 weeks now and I've been passing OCLT for 9 days now. However, the pool is still cloudy. It's a nice blue but definitely not clear. Should I be backwashing every day? I have not been. Yes...
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    Need advise on pump or motor

    So I shouldn't have to worry about replacing the pump or anything? Also STS1072RV1 is listed at 3/4 hp / 1/10 hp is that enough or since the old one is 1 hp do I need a 2 speed that does at least one 1hp? I am just totally lost on this stuff. I could buy the same one I guess. Do I need to...
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    Need advise on pump or motor

    So yesterday my pump/motor died. When I turn on the electricity to the pump it makes an aweful noise and smoke comes up from the motor. I am pretty sure I need to replace the motor but I'm not sure if I need to replace the pump too. What all should I buy? Pool Stuff - Google Photos That is...
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    Need some help getting sand filter open to do deep cleaning

    I need some help doing a deep cleaning for sand filter. The plumping is a bit strange as I know I can't remove some of the pipes. Can you guys tell me what steps and tools I will need? And here is the other side. I know I can not get any of it off by hand. I also have no desire to...
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    Green pool

    So I'm calling the slam complete as I can see the bottom clearly but the pump will continue to run 24/7. It only took an epic ton of bleach as seen in the picture. Thanks for the help. Also should i post here if I need help taking off my multiport valve to clean my sand?
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    Green pool

    Ya I have some leftover tablets I will keep it at slam and put some tablets in it. I've read this thread. Deep Cleaning a Sand Filter Do you have to drain the filter when doing the deep cleaning? I'm not 100% sure I can get the multiport valve off. It looks like 2 of them are glued on with...
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    Green pool

    Wow! I do not think my sand filter can get my pool that clear. I hope it can but it has been passing OCLT for a week. I think I probably need to do a deep cleaning on my sand but I'm not sure that is possible while I'm in SLAM?
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    Green pool

    OK so an update. I've been passing the overnight chlorine loss test for about a week now. The pool is clearing up but I still can't see the bottom of the deep end though the bottom of the shallow end is very visible. I have to go out of town this weekend and am sort of afraid as I dont really...
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    Green pool

    Appreciate all the help given to me so far. I have a few more questions, what is the definition of clear? It's not clear but I can see the bottom on the shallow end now, however, I still can't see the main drains in the deep end which is like 8+ feet. I can't even see the outline of the main...
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    Green pool

    More of an update. Decided to test the CYA and the dot is only dissappearing right around 30 despite me putting enough CYA in the pool to get it to 38. Not really sure what to base my shock level on . I've been keeping it at 16 or trying to rather but the readings are saying 30. Wanted the...