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  1. D

    SLAMming my neighbors’ pool - just checking in

    Hello, fellow TFPers. It’s been a long time since I’ve posted here, partly because you all do such a good job teaching folks to manage their own pools that I haven’t had big trouble with my pool. The following pictures and questions refer to my neighbors’ pool, so please disregard anything in...
  2. D

    Squeeze bottle lid to add muriatic acid—alert me to dangers

    I tried an experiment this morning when I needed to add muriatic acid to the pool. I took off the lid to the gallon and screwed on a lid from a Gatorade bottle that I bought once for a sick child. The threads seemed to fit perfectly. This particular lid opens and closes with a turn of the top...
  3. D

    Recommendations for simple vacuum that doesn’t change the water level

    I’m looking for something and wondering if those more experienced in pools and pool equipment would please give me some recommendations or warnings. I have an inground plaster pool with spillover spa. There is an old Polaris cleaner that does a pretty good job with the majority of the pool...
  4. D

    Dead Armadillo in the pool.

    I'm a fairly new member of the forum, and I expected my first post to be asking for help getting the details of my signature correct, but it's this one instead. (I'm quite a new pool owner; this is my first spring with one, and this forum has been a great resource. I'm very grateful.) I've had...