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    New Pool-old thread

    Hi All - I had originally started this thread, back in 2019: Pool Build - Arlington, TX Unfortunately, that project fell through, and thanks to COVID, parental health issues, we got delayed. We're about to start the process over, and we're looking at getting a 16x37 fiberglass pool...
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    Pool Build - Arlington, TX

    Meeting with a pool builder on Friday to discuss having a Viking pool put in, the company seems to be well rated, and does use 3/8 gravel for backshell. We're looking at a 16x37 footer. What questions should I have prepared? Thanks for your help! I've decided to return this thread into a...
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    Incredibly frustrated, and could use some help

    My family lives in Arlington, Texas, and we currently have an Intex 24x12, which has been fairly enjoyable, although keeping it clean with stock pump/filter has been challenging. That being said, my wife and I decided we want to upgrade to a larger above ground pool, and were looking at...
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    Pool installers

    Hello all - I'm looking at pools from PoolWarehouse, and I can't seem to find any information regarding locating an installer in my area (Dallas-Fort Worth). Does anyone know of any resources? Thanks!
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    Replacement pump

    While I'm trying to address algae issues, I want to upgrade my pump. I've got an Intex 12x24 AG pool, with the .3 HP, 14" sand filter with SCG, I believe it's 1500GPH. I'm reading that this pump is severely under powered for what it's trying to do. I've been looking around, and I want...
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    My path to clear pool

    Ok, I'm going to use this thread to track my pool. I'm looking at this season as a "learning" season, to get familiar with testing, maintenance, and to find out what I need to know. It appears that the rain we had this year has caused my Intex to slump a bit, so my plan at the end of the...
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    Intex 24x12

    Hi all this is our second season with this pool, and unfortunately, it's "gone green". Local pool guy advised to drain most, scrub, refill, minor shock. We've got the sand system with salt water generator, I've been reading since last year that the pump provided just isn't up to snuff...