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  1. C

    What can I do about paver sealer solvent floating in pool?

    Just had my pavers sealed this pm and their is sealer residue floating on top of the pool.What can I do to get this to go away ? Thanks in advance:confused:
  2. C

    How many days does it usually take to do the excavation /rebar

    We have a two man crew and the plumbing part is in.
  3. C

    How many days does it usually take to do the excavation /rebar

    Hi all ,the excavation people started on our pool build Tuesday with laying out the forms. As of today they still need to do the rebar on the bottom of the pool.The city was scheduled to inspect Monday and Tuesday is planned to be the shotcrete day.Just wondered how many days it might take to...
  4. C

    Calling all Tremron Paver owners! Help!

    We are planning on either Cappuccino or Sand Dune mega old town pavers for our new pool. Visited the plant in Jax and picked up samples of each color and liked them both. Hopefully,we will be pleasantly surprised :rolleyes:
  5. C

    Pool permitting

    Hello, My husband and I signed a contract a month ago to build an Igr pool and would like to know how long it took from signing the contract to digging the hole it took ? Thanks in advance.
  6. C

    Newbie in Florida

    Happy Easter, Signed a contract one month ago to build an in ground gunite freeform pool with sun shelf and pool enclosure plus solar panels for heating pool.Permit application to be turned into city buliding dept next week.We do not live in an HOA .About how long does it take to obtain a...