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  1. D

    Mustard algae

    Let me know if you try it and it works. I have thought about buying one just to try.
  2. D

    Mustard algae

    Aralph, do you have a manual vacuum? I have read where some folks have to vacuum to waste to get rid of the stuff. I personally don't have a manual vacuum, so I'm hoping robot and filter can get rid of this stuff.
  3. D

    Mustard algae

    Madwil, that's a very good point. I just mowed on Sunday and now I have some more of the brown sediment. I haven't performed the OCLT yet but I need to do that asap. I just got back from my local Walmart, where I picked up 7 gallons of liquid chlorine. I believe I will perform a slam just to see...
  4. D

    Mustard algae

    Aralph, thanks for the info. The crazy thing is I had this brown sediment on the pool floor but now that I have been running the filter more and running the robot daily, it's gone. I'm going to do the OCLT just to make sure but if I can pass that I'll probably not do the SLAM. If I see any...
  5. D

    Mustard algae

    Okay guys, I received my Taylor K-2006 test kit today. I performed my first test after reading instructions and watching YouTube videos. I feel very confident in the readings. FC - 5.5 CC - 0.5 PH - 7.8 TA -70 CH - 160 does this really matter with a vinyl pool? CYA - 40 - This is a little low...
  6. D

    Mustard algae

    Thanks needsajet for the link to 2017 bleach prices. I will certainly adjust PH to 7.2 before I start the SLAM.
  7. D

    Mustard algae

    I don't believe that particular shot is at the seam, but I do have more that tends to run along the seam or in creases. Some of it is just laying on the pool floor in random spots.
  8. D

    Mustard algae

    Here is the picture of the brownish looking sediment on the pool floor. Any ideas?
  9. IMG_20170403_183644808.jpg


  10. D

    Mustard algae

    I appreciate all the help I can get! I will try to upload the picture soon and maybe you guys can tell if its green algae or mustard algae. I have just compared it to some of the pictures I found on other websites and thought it was probably mustard algae. I wish someone would just tell me its...
  11. D

    Mustard algae

    I believe I have mustard algae because of the information I have obtained from research on the internet. The spots look like sand on the pool floor but will cloud up and vanish when hit by the brush. It will eventually re-settle along the seams and creases of the liner. I have took a picture...
  12. D

    Mustard algae

    Thanks guys! I have ordered the Taylor FAS/DPD K2006 kit and it should be here Friday. I will post numbers once I receive the kit and feel like I'm getting accurate numbers. I'm really worried about this mustard algae, as it seems a lot of folks on here have to battle this stuff for awhile. I...
  13. D

    Mustard algae

    Hello all. I'm new to TFP and fairly new to pool ownership. We actually installed our 18x36 Vinyl salt water pool last July. Currently, my pool water is Crystal clear but I have this brown looking sediment in the creases and along the seam lines. Not really knowing any better I took a water...