Search results

  1. CactusPool

    PoolMath: Salt & Borate Entries?

    "BBB method - use Borax to raise pH" when I was still using Tri-Chlor.
  2. CactusPool

    PoolMath: Salt & Borate Entries?

    Hello neighbor in Laughlin! Do the few boxes of 20 Mule Team Borax matter?
  3. CactusPool

    PoolMath: Salt & Borate Entries?

    I need clarification - sometimes my understanding of TFP advice get cloudy after reading too many threads. When using PoolMath for a non-SWG pool, is it necessary to enter SALT and Borate numbers in the Now column? :lovetfp:
  4. CactusPool

    TFP is the Number One Resource!

    My new pool opened in March of last year. I became a TFP member back then but was not convinced that it would be much help. Partly due to the attitude of my pool builder. Since then and in my second summer with my pool, I have come to appreciate TFP and all that it has done for me. I have made...
  5. CactusPool

    Do Waterbugs Always Mean Algae?

    Hello Everyone, In our 5th month of pool ownership and never realized how much there is to know. I keep the pool perfect - at least our friends say so. We get comments like "your pool is the cleanest we have ever been in!" The only number out of range is CH as we have 600+ water here. So, the...
  6. CactusPool

    where did the CYA go?

    When starting with a pool of fresh, new water, does the CYA in Tri-Chlor pucks protect the chlorine in proportion to the chlorine in those pucks, or does the CYA have to build-up to a certain level to protect any chlorine in the water? Also, how soon after using Tri-Chlor do I need to start...
  7. CactusPool

    Once a bromine pool, always bromine ?

    By adding potassium monopersulfate to oxidize on a regular basis, the bromine is reactivated. Thus, the need to add more bromine is minimal. Using bromine is a less costly sanitizer than chlorine once the "bromine bank" is established, especially in a pool where the temperature will exceed 85...
  8. CactusPool

    Once a bromine pool, always bromine ?

    My new outdoor pool went into service on March 16th with bromine as the sanitizer. I've been getting advice from others to switch to chlorine. I like the bromine water and I am reluctant to switch. To do so means draining the pool or use sodium thiosulfate to neutralize the bromine. If not done...
  9. CactusPool

    Using Tri-Chlor & Bleach

    If using sodium hypochlorite and tri-chlor tablets, will the CYA help stabilize the chlorine from the sodium hypochlorite?
  10. CactusPool

    Confused about CYA, Stabalized vs. Non-Stabalized CL

    The pool is in the early phase of construction and I'm trying to learn as much as I can before opening day. My pool installer sold me on an automatic tablet feeder for use of Tri-chlor tablets. Once the pool reaches the undesirable CYA levels and I switch to a chlorine without a stabilizer, will...