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  1. C

    Newly Plastered Pool (Help with Numbers)

    All, I am on Day 8 of my pool replaster. All my water was trucked in. (I am on a well.) I am testing myself I have a Taylor K2006) Here are my current numbers: FC: 5.0 (5 hours ago) pH: 7.2 (5 hours ago) TA: 320 (5 hours ago)...
  2. C

    Renovation in Northern VA... (DIY and Subcontractor)

    Thank You been testing myself for years. I have a K2006. The water is actually clear my overhead trees do not lend to good pics.
  3. C

    Renovation in Northern VA... (DIY and Subcontractor)

    We are painting the deck and filling the expansion joint is last with some Sika mastic.
  4. C

    Renovation in Northern VA... (DIY and Subcontractor)

    I have one more water bowl that thanks to Wayfair is 3 weeks late. It was a miss delivery so I get a free firepit.
  5. C

    Renovation in Northern VA... (DIY and Subcontractor)

    The whale brush has been a life saver. I can not imagine people who forget whether they had to go through the twice a day brushing. I will never forget!
  6. C

    Renovation in Northern VA... (DIY and Subcontractor)

    Ok... Slow progress! Cleaning and hopefully painted deck Friday!
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  15. C

    Renovation in Northern VA... (DIY and Subcontractor)

    Promise in the morning. I have been brushing and testing my butt off. 6 Bottles of Acid and Calcium.
  16. C

    Renovation in Northern VA... (DIY and Subcontractor)

    Almost done... Plaster today some clean up and water tomorrow. Grinder the concrete earlier this week. Will paint on Monday after more clean-up. (More good pics in the morning.)
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  19. C

    Bond beam repair

    Great ending. Your hardwork has paid off.
  20. C

    Renovation in Northern VA... (DIY and Subcontractor)

    Yesterday's progress.
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  27. C

    Renovation in Northern VA... (DIY and Subcontractor)

    No only 1x2 but I sub out the tile and they appear to be artist from their work.
  28. C

    Renovation in Northern VA... (DIY and Subcontractor)

    Here you go. Ready for bling.
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