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  1. pulzar

    Sand/dirt getting into the pool through the jets - cartridge filter

    I've had this ongoing problem for a year or so, where I get a good bit of dirt and sand coming into the pool from the jets bringing in the water from the pump. I have 3 jets and two water features, with three pipes leading out from the pump -- one for each water feature, and one for all the...
  2. pulzar

    Tiny bubbles in one return jet

    One of my 4 return jets has many tiny bubbles in its stream... You can see them only when you get really close to it, or at night, when you turn the light right next to it on. The other 3 don't appear to have any. I have a setup with one pump that's driving 3 return pipes -- one for a waterfall...
  3. pulzar

    How much acid will I have to keep buying?!

    I bought a house with a pool without knowing a first thing about pool maintenance. The previous owner said "take the water to Leslie's from time to time, do what they say, and you'll be fine".. So, I did, and, well, after much money, time, and energy spent, I found this forum and realized that...