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  1. M

    Refilling contaminated pool

    Hi, I fortunately have not had to get on the forum in a long time because everything in my pool has been great since I finally figured out the Trouble Free Bleach method. But recently we had a large pitbull dog drown in our pool and had to empty it out and scrub down with bleach. I have now...
  2. M

    Opening Up Pool for Summer - CYA

    Hello Everyone, I am opening pool for the season and just tested levels, which are as follows: pH = 7.8 CL = .5 ppm FC = 1 CC = 0 CH = 50 ppm TA = 65 CYA = 15 I know first thing I have to do is add stabilizer (pool math suggests 50 oz to bring up t 40). Then once that is up should I just add...
  3. M

    Advice Please

    Things have been going well with my pool all winter. I do not cover pool but leave my pump running 24/7 and vacuum regularly. Yesterday I noted that the pool liner was getting a bit dirtier then usual so I put in a gallon of 8.25 bleach and decided to throw in a 1 lb. bag of dichlor shock...
  4. M

    Disgusted and Confused on What to Do Next

    I have been fighting issues with my pool this year for the entire summer. Around Easter my vinyl walls stained badly. I was told by the pool store to try absorbic acid treatment, which worked great for a few weeks but staining returned and algae appeared. Tried a new clorox all-in-one...