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  1. B

    Should I bring my CYA up a little before closing at end of season?

    Been checking my chems often due to vacuming due to digging nearby pond and lots of dirt/dust on the road and in the air. So, often have to add water with so much backwashing after vacs. My cya was at 35-40 range but now after weeks it is down to 20. Not sure if I should bring that cya level...
  2. B

    can I start the opening process a day ahead of the opening?

    Wondering if it is OK to go ahead and get my winter cover off (it's totally dry today) and to start adding water to get my water level up to the mid skimmer level? Hubby will be home in about 36 hours to get the lines opened and the filter and pump ready. That's why I am asking with the wait...
  3. B

    Opened Pool to find a Lose Liner. I wonder what caused that? Any ideas?

    We suspect we took the water level too low causing the liner to contract and pop out in places. Not sure if that is the case or not cause it happened mainly just in the deep end. Our first year we let an experienced pro close the pool and they kept the water level just a few inches below the...
  4. B

    Need to know if I add chlorine when My CYA is 20. 0 chlorine. opened pool today.

    Thought I had to get my cya up first. Do I add chlorine or wait.
  5. B

    Newbie Got her test kit, opened pool and has some test results to discuss.

    Pools open and all equipment functioning just fine. The deep end turned out to be 8' so I changed that in my description, Shallow is 3". So for this oval pool it should be calculated somewhere in between the shallow to the deep, by the divide by 2 rule and would be somewhere around 21,600...
  6. B

    New to TFP and Want to say Thank U and Hello

    :p Hello~ Love the site so far. Tons of Useful information. Look forward to sharing and learning from other's. I winged it last year and made it through the summer with some help at the local pool store and a lot from this site. Look forward to getting the test kit and learning to do what NEEDS...