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  1. L

    What if pool overflows?

    We are experiencing heavy thunderstorms and downpours flash flood warnings are out and pool is filling fast. What do I do if it overflows? Will it damage the pool?
  2. L


    I opened my pool Sunday and it was green. So, I started the pump and circulation to the pool. As I was about to start the slam, I got called out of town on a job and just got back in town late last night. I had left the pump running while I was gone to keep the circulation going. This...
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    Adding Water

    Lowered water 6" below skimmer at closing. Taking cover off today. If water is green, do I go ahead and start filling before I start slamming?
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    Issues when opening?

    I live in Oklahoma, the weather changes quicker than you can blink. We had a relatively mild winter, now we have highs that are hitting in the 80's and dropping back down into the 40's the past week or so. The pool was drained down to about 6" below the skimmer at closing. The cover is still...
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    Pool Opening

    When I closed my pool for the winter, I lowered the water level to about 6" below the skimmer opening. Was wondering how difficult this will make opening. I know that sounds vague. But, any advice on adding water? (I.e., adding chemicals, cleaning etc.) Thanks!!
  6. L

    First time winterizing my IG pool.

    Need lots of help. I have read over the closing instructions on here. But, I still have questions. 1) Where should my drain be located (I see 2 round white items in the deep end of my pool, but nothing else in my pool resembling anything close to that). Could these be the drains? if so...
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    Closing Pool

    First time ever closing. We are getting ready to get a real frigid cold spell (overnight temps dropping to the high 20's for the next week, beginning this Monday night, with day time highs only in the 30's and 40's). My situation, I don't have a clue what I am doing. Went to a poll store today...
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    Slamming Pool

    I have a green pool. I want to start the slamming process, but don't have the proper test kit yet. I have a city inspector breathing down my neck. I will be ordering the test this week. Is there any way I can just start dumping bleach into this pool to get a head start on the process? I...
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    Filter Gushing Water

    I am new to the pool ownership world. We just bought a home with an inground pool in Ponca City, Ok. The pool is 28x14 approximately 12,000 gallons. The pool is green and crawling with algae. The filter is a Pentair FNS Plus 36 D E. 30 seconds after I turned on the pump, water started...