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  1. M

    So excited for this pool season!!!

    I found you guys in June of last year, I took over the pool from my husband and I am in love. I can't wait for this season, we took the cover off and the water is crystal clear. I am ready to test and make my water sparkle. I can't tell you enough how exciting it is to be in control of this and...
  2. M

    My Pool looks amazing!!!

    I am so happy with the chemicals in my pool. It took a few months of doing what I read and now all of my numbers are in line and my water looks wonderful. Now if it would stay warm.
  3. M

    Speed Stir is worth the money!!!

    So I got my K-2006 kit back in June when I discovered this place after dealing with algae. I was too cheap to buy the speedstir at the time, so a few weeks ago I decided to buy it. I am in love!!!! This little guy is so worth the money. My husband doesn't complain anymore that he now spends more...
  4. M

    Learning here! Can I get your opinion?

    We have had a pool for the last 7 years and I have always been in charge of vacuuming and swimming, lol. My husband left for an out of town for business and I had to take care of the pool. The night before he left we discovered algae. So after a very long week of researching and dumping in...