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  1. J

    Jet fitting cracked inside the thread and I can't get it out.

    Hi, When I was trying to open my pool this year, when I started to tighten the jet fitting it cracked. Now, there isn't enough of it left to twist (to unscrew it), but the bottom part is still inside. I saw a Youtube video saying there was a special tool to put into the hole that would help me...
  2. J

    Pool Heater Says Pool Water is Way Hotter Than it is.

    We just had someone install a Raypack 406 gas heater for our pool. As soon as it started up, it claimed the pool water was 80 degrees. It's really like 70 degrees. So, setting the temperature at 85 doesn't get the pool very warm when it only goes up five degrees. Does anyone know what could be...
  3. J

    my pool filter runs well for an hour then bursts every time

    I have a Pentair FNS plus De filter. Its relatively new and never gave me trouble until now. It will run well for about an hour, very little if any leakage, then it will start shooting water out from the O ring. The pressure never gets that high (25 max) so I don't think its an air pressure...