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  1. B

    Where can you buy black PVC pipe?

    Where are people getting the black 2" PVC schedule 40 pipe used on the solar systems? I can't seem to track it down at any of the local stores or online.
  2. B

    Adding Solar and EasyTouch to 20-Year old pool

    Hello - I'm looking for input & advice on this years upgrades to my pool. Everything on the diagram below is already in place except the EasyTouch panel and plumbing for the new solar system. Those will both be new for this season. The electrician is coming to rewire everything once I have...
  3. B

    Ended up with a Pentair IC-60 cell that I don't need... Now what?

    Short story, a month ago I purchased the Pentair 521150 EasyTouch 8SC-IC60 system thinking that I would go with a SWG on our newly acquired 20'x40' IG pool. I have since learned alot and decided to not go the SWG route because I have an older metal wall vinyl pool w/ autocover. But I want to...
  4. B

    Rehabbing an old pool -- Need recommendation for new pump & filter

    Hi, great forum! I've been reading thread after thread the past few weeks and have found tons of helpful & useful information so far. Thanks for the great resource! I need some guidance selecting and sizing new equipment for an existing pool. I recently purchased a home with an 20'x40'...