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  1. P

    first time opening

    Hello, So I bought my house with a pool 2.5 years ago, I've managed the chemicals in the pool using the methods from this website for the past 2 years with great success. Thank you. In the past I've paid someone to open and close the pool, but decided this year that I'm paying too much and...
  2. P

    Adjusting pH

    Hello, Here are my test results for today. pH 8.0 (btwn 7.8 and 8.2) FC 6.5 CC 0.5 TA 90 CH 275 CYA 70 The pH has trended up from 7.2 to 8ish over the last 5 weeks. I think that means I need to add some muriatic acid, correct? What should I target for pH? I was thinking 7.5 but in reading...
  3. P

    pool care newbie

    Hello and thanks in advance for any help. I recently purchased a home, took ownership of this home on Tuesday. I now have a pool for the first time, feeling very overwhelmed. The pool was apparently opened on Monday by a pool company (based on a prior contract, previous owner had left). I...