Search results

  1. simste01

    Persistent yellow fluffy stuff

    After a year of crystal clear water and no problems, I got sloppy and didn't check the FC level for a week. We had opened with FC=12.5 and perfect water, but now we had cloudy water – not green, just white/gray cloudy. My fault. So we started to SLAM (I've done it before so I know it works)...
  2. simste01

    Pump run time vs. SWG % setting

    So I've found a balance point running the SWG at 40% and the pump 12 hours a day (a seven hour period and a five hour period). FC is 7 to 7.5 every day, pH gently rises from 7.2 to 7.8 over 8-10 days. Pool is crystal clear (thank you!). My question - I want to save...
  3. simste01

    Adding MA safely

    In another thread I read, "Lower the bottle into the water (keep the opening a few inches above the water) and slowly pour that way. I see some vapors, just make sure the wind is blowing away from you. " How do you measure the amount you are adding when pouring directly from the bottle? Or is...
  4. simste01

    APC365 Auromatic Pool Cover PowerTouch Keypad

    Twice now, after heavy rains, my PowerTouch Keypad has gone dead. The first time the pool store talked my brother-in-law through getting it working - I think they reset the PIN but unfortunately I wasn't there. Yesterday, it went dead again. Resetting the PIN wasn't possible, nor was the...
  5. simste01

    It's green, but getting better ...

    Post #1: Before I say anything else, I must say thank you to all of you who so generously share your knowledge on this forum. We've had our pool (my wife's dream-come-true) for three seasons so far, this year will be the fourth. Until late last summer, I trusted the pool store who installed...