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  1. H

    Spillway help

    My PB is looking for his final check and I’m trying to get him to fix my spillway for the 3rd time. It looks nice finally but it is very uneven. Should the PB fix this? Thanks.
  2. H

    Is Data Cable Needed for Water Feature Pump?

    My pool is about 99.9% complete and when I got the “Here’s how everything works” spiel, the last thing I was told is, here is the Data Cable for your Superflo pump. It’s worth about $100 so don’t lose it. I was so busy trying to remember everything and worry about everything else getting...
  3. H

    Show me your Privacy Fences

    Now that the pool is (almost) done, we are starting to think about privacy fences/screens. As creative as everyone is here, I figured I would get a ton of ideas. I’m not a woodworking expert, but I think I can make a fairly basic design structurally sound. Thanks in advance!
  4. H

    Stone Spillway from Spa

    Hello all, We have a small spillway from our spa to the pool. The pool was just finished and filled at the end of Jan. My issue is the stone was broken on one side and we asked for it to be replaced. The stone guy came back today to repair it and is going to cut out another small section to...
  5. H

    Plaster today - couple questions...

    They are scheduled to do our plaster today. Last night as I was having nightmares about everything that could go wrong, I started thinking about all the holes and gouges in my gunite. Am I being overly paranoid or should I be concerned? I’m sure the gouges will be fine and the plaster will fill...
  6. H

    Opinions on color plaster fading/streaking

    Hello all, we are trying to decide on our plaster color. So far we have decided on Tahoe Isle by Finest Finish Plaster. I want to know what kind of experience people have had with color plaster. Did it fade over time, if so, how long before you saw a noticeable difference? I am ok with the...
  7. H

    Upgrades/Additions Payment Expectations

    I just want to get some opinions or experience on what people have seen as far as payment in additions or upgrades to their original contract. We signed our initial contract back in October with a set payment schedule. After looking at the design and our budget, we have since added a few items...
  8. H

    New Build in Central CA

    We are set to break ground tomorrow! Between calling contractors and researching everything in here, I will try to post pics as the build progresses.
  9. H

    Hello from Central CA

    We just signed the agreement for a new pool build to start in a few weeks. We had a pool a few years back at our old house so I used to check this forum quite a bit but it has been a while. We are going with an in-ground free form pool with salt generation (which my old pool had and we loved)...