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  1. J

    Is Borax really necessary?

    Hi everyone : I was talking to my dad today and he said when I was a kid and had an above ground pool he only used bleach and baking soda and never used borax. Our 15' pool was always sparkling clear. I wonder how he kept the PH in check then? Hmmm. Maybe bleach or baking soda naturally...
  2. J

    Calcium and CYA .. my pool has none of either?

    Hi everyone. Alkalinity level and ph levels are fine, but my pool water won't hold chlorine! I went through 8 1.42 gallons of bleach in 3 days. This was perplexing and had never happened before. To the eye the water looks OK, swimable. I wouldn't call the water cloudy, but let's say it...
  3. J

    Can you recommend an electric above ground pool vacuum?

    Hi everyone :) With the end of the pool season nearing here in CT I imagine a lot of pool toys and accessories will be going on sale. I have a 30' round above ground vinyl lined pool. I know nothing about them and was wondering if anyone could recommend one? I don't want to spend more than...
  4. J

    How often should a person shock their pool?

    I recently learned that the pool term "shock" is a verb not a noun. It means to add a lot of bleach to a pool right?? (I'm using the BBB method). I was wondering if it's recommended to shock a pool weekly, every other week, only after a really heavy rainstorm. When I shock my pool how much...
  5. J

    Is it normal to need borax so frequently?

    Hello everyone :-D Quick question. Is it common to be adding 2-4 lbs. of borax every other day or so? All my levels are within good ranges. My CYA is 80 which is high according to the instructions that came with my pool chemical test kit. Supposedly it should be between 30-50. However my...
  6. J

    How long do you wait between adding different chemicals?

    Hi everyone :) When I was buying my pool chems at a pool store I was told to wait 2-4 hours between each chemical I was adding. With the BBB method do I still have to wait that long?? Thanks in advance for your answers! :-D Jeannie
  7. J

    ATTN: BBB Method experts -- your knowledge is needed!

    Hi everyone :-D Just a few days ago I decided to try the BBB method. After adding the recommended amounts of borax, baking soda and bleach my levels are now within the appropriate ranges. :goodjob: However, my CYA level reads as 80ppm. :( I know it should be 30-50 ppm. We are nearing...