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  1. M

    Intellichem flow cell installation question...

    I'm installing an Intellichem system for automated liquid chlorine dispensing. Although I purchased a two-pump Intellichem system, I haven't purchased an acid container system yet -- I think my PH is pretty stable, and am hoping not to need it. I have to admit I am a little nervous about...
  2. M

    How can I program a VS pump speed for solar in EasyTouch?

    Hi -- Connected my solar sensor to my EasyTouch 4P panel today. When the solar is not running, I want to run the pump at 1250rpm. When solar is triggered, I'd like to run it at 1850rpm (this yields 32gpm according to my Flovis flow meter). I can't figure out how to program this. I can...
  3. M

    Can't get old drain cover off...

    I'm trying to replace my old drain cover with an SDX Retro. But I can't get the old one off. There's no screws in the screwholes, and I've tried to twist it off, but no luck. Do you think it's glued in place? Anyone familiar with this type of cover...
  4. M

    Union threads -- Plasto Joint Stik or Silicon lube or both?

    Trying to figure out how to achieve leak-free union joints. I'm installing them on both side of the pump so that it can be easily removed if necessary. I've seen one You Tube video where the guy put Plasto Joint Stik on the threads going into the pump body (seems reasonable since this is...
  5. M

    Flovis Flow meter & Booster pump

    Hi -- I'm installing a Flovis Flowmeter in my new system. I figure it goes between my filter and solar loop. But I also need to put a T in there to feed my Polaris booster pump. Should I put the Flow Meter before or after the booster feed? Or maybe it doesn't really matter... Any opinions...
  6. M

    Mysterious plumbing for solar...

    Hi -- My pool is ancient -- circa 1963 and has clearly been upgraded and modified many times in the past 50 years. At some point the previous owners added Fafaco solar panels that leaked really badly. I replaced them with 8 Aquasol panels which I like, and everything does seem to work, except...
  7. M

    Replumbing upgrade gear...

    Hi -- I decided to replace the 20+ year old gear in my pool shed. Just purchased a Pentair Intelliflo VS Pump, Clean n Clear Plus 320 sq ft filter and an EasyTouch 4P control panel & wireless network adapter. I also bought a FloVis Flow Meter. I will have an electrician do the line voltage...
  8. M

    CYA >100. Can I drain from top and fill from the bottom?

    First post -- hope I'm providing the right info... I have a 25,000 gallon IG plaster pool (c.1963) with a cartridge filter. Non-permeable safety cover usually on all but one hour a day. I've been using 3" tabs for the past three years and I think they've finally caught up with me. Here are...