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    Does everyone need Stabilizer?

    I finally got my hands on a proper test kit (Taylor K-2006) and I was able to take proper measurements of my pool: ............FC (ppm).....CC (ppm)..........pH..............TA..............CH..............CyA Test 1........ 6 ...
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    Recognize these pool stains?

    My pool (ceramic tiles) has developed these stains in the material between the tiles (not sure what this is called). Observing it from close it resembles sand. Initially i thought that the plaster was coming off, but then i realized that it is actually a deposit on top of the white plaster...
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    Ceramic Tiles - Cleaning

    I have an outdoor inground ceramic tile pool with SWG. I had an algae problem so (during SLAMing) I used the pool brush to brush it well (bottom and sides) but now I noticed that I might have caused some damage in the material that sits between the tiles. ( my pool is built with the small white...
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    Is this algae?

    Hi All: In-ground pool, 73.000 ltr (20.000 US gallon), Salt Water Generator, Sand Filter, tiles, cover. I had a guy maintain the pool the past year and half but since last October I have been maintaining it myself. I had some trouble keeping my FC in the charts (the test strip would always...