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  1. K

    Polaris 180??

    Im doing my own close this year. Keeping water level above returns and using issues there. Im not sure what to do about the Polaris return? It's a threaded adapter. So when I blow and use plug, it most likely won't hold due to the threads. Or will it? Coming away from my "pool...
  2. K

    Stenner, what do I need...

    So, I really don't think the Liquidator will keep up with my chlorine demand even if I get the kinks worked out... So next option is Stenner. I use 3-4 ppm of Chlorine per day in full sun. I run my pump for 12 hours per day (6am-12pm, 2pm-8pm). Where do I buy the Stenner systems? And what...
  3. K

    Liquidator may not work for me...

    Well...I may end up removing the liquidator. No matter what I try, I cant get the inlet to keep up with the my flow maxes at about 3.5...which does not keep up with my chlrine demand (4ppm in full sun). Inlet check valve is the issue. It's working, but just not allowing enough flow...
  4. K

    Liquidator CL level??

    When my pumps turns off, the remaining suction draws the liquidator level down and into the pump suction piping until the liquidator outlet float stops this process. Should I be concerned that a "high chlorine level" water slug is sitting in my pump suction (and pump) overnight? I don't see...
  5. K

    Another liquidator question/observation...

    I have installed my liquidator this past weekend. I did quite a bit of research here and searched the many threads loaded with advice. I figured I would not add chlorine until I was comfortable with the set up and made sure all the bugs were out. I had intended on a pump drain, heater drain...
  6. K

    Question about TA

    OK...since switching to liquid chlorihe and getting rid of pucks, my PH tends to drift up and I add acid 2-4 times a week to lower PH (7.8 to 7.4). I have been letting TA come down to rec levels for using chlorine (70-90+) and it is about 80 or so (down from 110). My issue is the two below...
  7. K

    FC daily usage

    Here in PA, we had a "Heat wave" of 90+ days for 3-4 straight. My nomal FC usage until then was 1.6-2.0ppm... During the heatwave, it jumped to 3-4ppm...3.8ppm the one day. I'd add to get it up to 8.8 or so...and by next day, sun down I'd be at 5 again. Pool temp was 84, bright
  8. K

    Liquidator question - Heater drain

    I have seen some people who hook the liquidator into the pump drain and heater drain. I will use pump issue there. Any concern with heater drain connection getting too hot and melting? The manifold gets pretty warm to touch. Thanks
  9. K

    Capping off Hayward

    I am moving to liquid chlorine and the liquidator... I plan to install Liquidator inlet where my Hayward CL200 injects (pool return right past heater)...and use basket drain for Liquidator oulet. So, I will need to cap the Hayward penetration that is just downstream of my pump. What size cap...
  10. K


    Hello, New user here... Bought home with pool late August last year. Got through the season using the same pool store of previous owner (samples, checmicals, etc) I'm more of a hands on did loads of reading over the Winter (trouble free pool) and am ready to do more myself. Have my...