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  1. R

    Can't get good suction from the pump

    I think I know the answer to this one, but I'm really hoping I'm wrong. Have an inground pool, single skimmer, no main drain. 2 speed pump (not sure on make/model) that came with the pool when we bought the house. For 2 years, everything has been working well for the most part at least with...
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    Mounting solar panels on the roof

    I have a follow up question. I'm also considering installing solar panels, and I don't think I'll have any issue with the connection. My bigger concern is how to attach them to the roof? Is it fairly easy? Thats the piece I don't want to mess up. Also, what area do you need to be noticeable...
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    Winterizing Questions

    Hello, I live in Canada and have a few questions on winterizing. We bought the house a couple of years ago, and the first winter, the pool was put to bed by the previous owner. They put two tarps (joined in the middle) attached to bungie cords across the whole thing. The setup was held...
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    Maggots in Pool

    Ok, not to gross anyone out, but we've had our cover on our pool for about 4-5 days now, since we had a cold snap. Things have warmed up, so I thought in advance of the weekend, I'd pop it off and get everything setup. We've been maintaining roughy 4-5 FC at 30 ppm CYA the whole time...
  5. R

    Swimming Pool to Skating Rink

    Not sure if this is the right forum, but I'm assuming it would involve equipment, so here goes... We live in Canada, giving us about 3 months of swimming in a pool that might hit 80 (which is actually fine with me, I like it cold!) We have in inground vinyl liner pool. Anyone ever convert...
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    Waterway 26" Sand Filter Problems

    So we picked up this filter just before the weekend, since our old one was shot (basically had it sealed up with silicon caulking just to hold on. Got a pretty good price on it, brought it home, then noticed the weird bit. The multiport valve (the entire thing) is held on to the tank by this...
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    Thanks Everyone

    So for the past 8 months I've been posting in here in somewhat of a panic at times as our pool gets redone. Well, after 8 months (to be fair, 6 of them we were under snow), the pool is back operational today. Will post pics once the patio is poured, but went in for the first swim even as the...
  8. R

    Time Sensitive: Liner Vacuum

    Hi everyone, Finally are filling up the pool as we speak. Got the liner adjusted to fit, and the water is going in, and it looks like we'll have no wrinkles! Now the sticky bit. They are using a rather noisy large vacuum to hold the pool liner in place while it fills with water. Been...
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    Pressure Test

    Ok, I've heard a number of people here talk about pressure testing their lines. How exactly do you do it? I can make some guesses, but I'd rather learn from other people :) We have the skimmer basket dug out and about to replace it, would be nice to test everything first before it all goes...
  10. R

    Vermaculite Finish Coat durability

    Hello, We're finally getting our pool taken care of, 18'X40' IG w/ Vinyl liner (although it doesn't have one at the moment. They are coming tomorrow to put in the vermaculite coat, before dropping the liner. However, it will be about a week between when they do the coat, and when they put in...
  11. R

    Bad Things Happened - Leaving Pool w/o water over winter

    So I've posted earlier about how I had an inground vinyl pool, and was unable to get the liner in before it got unseasonably cold early (lots of snow in November). It ended up being that I was considering trying to get the liner in when it went up to 50F over a day, but the coping never...
  12. R

    To replace the liner or not

    We have a 18' X 40' in ground oval pool, and winter is fast approaching. We needed to replace the liner, and had planned to do it in a warm day in October. Well, we had our first child October 9th, and low and behold, that blew the month of October. Right now, we have an empty pool in the...
  13. R

    Stone/Cement Coping

    Hey Everyone, I've noticed in a lot of the pool pics, many people have the stone or cement deck that directly overlaps into the pool. This seems like a really nice feature that makes the deck wider and looks nicer (vs. the old plastic coping that I have one the pool now). I had a couple of...
  14. R

    When to install a new liner

    Hello everyone, We have an 18'X40' inground vinyl liner pool, and live in Southern Ontario. A few weeks ago, when we were out of town, a leak sprung in the liner, and the pool had dropped a couple feet by the time we had returned. We were planning on replacing the liner anyways, so pumped out...
  15. R

    New Coping for Inground Pool

    We're about to replace the vinyl liner on our inground pool, and are looking at options for coping. I've tried looking at whats available online, but no stores seem to sell it online that I can find. What options are available? Is coping generally universal, or will we need a specific type...
  16. R

    Finding a Liner Leak

    Any tips for finding a vinyl liner leak? Our pool is dropping about 3-4 inches a day, which is much faster then usual. At the moment, our plan is to let it keep dropping until it stops, and look around that level, since we'd have to drop the level to there to fix it anyways :) We're also...
  17. R

    Vinyl Liner Replacement

    Hello, We are planning on replacing our vinyl liner next spring. My father in law did it one year, 20 years or so ago, and thought we were crazy to even think about hiring someone to do it. Any one have any experience/insight into this? I'm basically looking for what level of difficulty it...
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    Water Features, PH, and Chlorine Pucks

    Our pool uses Chlorine pucks (tri-chlor) to chlorinate. After running the pool for almost 2 months, the thing is pretty much maintenance free, all I have to do is drop 10 pucks into the in-line chlorinator once every 3-4 weeks or so. The one thing that I have had to do once, is raise the pH...
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    Community Pool Syndrome

    I'm coining a new phrase, "community pool syndrome". Let me explain, we just bought a house, and it came with a pool. I feel somewhat "greedy" and wasteful having this 30,000 gallon monstrosity to ourselves, so after a few hints from a coworker, I offered to let him use the pool with his...
  20. R

    Upgrading an older pool

    Hello, We currently have an 18'X40' inground pool, w/ vinyl liner. It currently had 1 skimmer input, and 2 return drains. The liner in it is in really rough condition (multiple patches, weird stains on it, bleached out in spots, and the entire deep end has a large patch to even keep the water...
  21. R

    Puck based system and REALLY low CYA

    Hi Everyone, This is a bit of a weird one, but wanted to run it by everyone and see what they thought. We have an 18'X40' inground vinyl pool, with an inline chlorinator. We bought the house last fall, and this is our first summer with a pool. If you see my other threads, we are in Canada...
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    Home Heat Exchangers for Pool

    Has anyone ever seen one of these? Thinking about this tonight, it seemed to make sense. We have a house with no AC and a pool with no heater. Instead of running a big AC keeping your house cool, and a heater heating your pool, why not use a heat pump that cools your house and heats your pool...
  23. R

    Does Filter Cleaner cause Algae?

    When I was out buying chemicals for the pool for a year (I wanted to buy everything in one shot, or close to it), I grabbed a bottle of filter cleaner since we'd been having some filter problems. However, when I looked at the bottle, the cleaner apparently has phosphates in it. I'm fairly...
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    Trouble with sand filter

    Hello, I'm fairly new to the forum, having lurked on this and for about a month now. I have a problem I was hoping someone could help me with. We bought a house in the fall, with an 18X40' IG vinyl liner pool. It is a fairly old pool, but seems to be mostly in good shape so...