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  1. K

    First Swim

    Pool company just started up our pool for the first time! They added some chemicals and did a quick scrub, and said we’d be good to swim in an hour. Now an hour later and the water looks fairly cloudy. I tested with some hottub strips I have and chlorine and alkaline and good, but Ph is off...
  2. K

    Just filled pool and leaking

    Well we just filled our pool yesterday, and we're losing about 2" of water per day. They are coming in about an hour to turn it on, but I'm already trying to troubleshoot. One area I'm immediatley concerened about is the skimmer. Attached are pictures. The access is on so tight I can't even...
  3. K

    New pool plastered, but not filling

    Our new build got plastered last night. They finished around 8pm and I expected them to start filling right away. It’s now the next morning and no water yet, and no reply to my text (to be fair it’s pretty early). Everything I’ve ever read says you have to start filling right away or the...
  4. K

    Swim In Place (Riverflow) Pump Buried in Dirt

    We're at the end of our pool build, and it's been a bit of a nightmare. Pulling teeth just to get them here to finish this thing. But I dot have one main concern at the moment, and before I go to the builder I'd like some insight. We are having a swim in place system, and the builder chose a...