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    How to dispose of damp cal-hypo 48%?

    I have a few older canisters of cal-hypo 48%. One of them got damp somehow. Not sure how, it was that way when I opened it. How do I safely dispose of this? As I opened it earlier tonight and got a face full of chlorine gas.
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    pool school needs a new page

    I was going through the pool school a few times recently, and I've found one page conspicuously absent. There should be a new page added that details, sorted by use, various pool chemicals, how to identify them, how to properly deploy them (like CYA in a sock. That one was strange!) in various...
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    Dropped my CYA Sock :(

    I dropped my CYA sock into the pool. It was mostly dissolved, so I couldn't tell if there was any CYA in it. I dropped it in while untying it, and now there's little white granules floating around in the pool. Not a lot of them, but they exist. Are they harmful to me or the pool if I swim...
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    PH Low, no borax, no cash

    Hi TFP! I'm new to this whole pool thing. We've got a small above ground (seasonal) pool, blue with the inflatable ring. I've been doing my best to maintain it, but we don't have the money for the chemicals (borax) until the first and the kids want to swim now! In the mean time, everything...