Search results

  1. -Ed

    Skimmer Basket Liner: Loving them!

    I live in an area where we have a lot of stuff falling out of the sky and into the pool, particularly the cotton from cottonwood trees nearby. In the past this stuff is sucked into the filtration system and gathers on the cartridge filter. It can even germinate on the side of the filter. For a...
  2. -Ed


    I am replacing my MasterTemp 300KBTU heater. Can you suggest a thread about this and the virtues of DIY versus "Certified" installation along with warranty implications?
  3. -Ed

    MasterTemp 400 Service Heater Light On Heater Cycling

    Hi, my 2007 MasterTemp 400 has worked fine all summer. My cover broke in the closed position and the pool wasn't used for 4 weeks but I kept the pump running with the heater off. When the cover was repaired I turned the heater on and it brought the pool up from 62º to 79º and then shut down...
  4. -Ed

    Keeping leaves out of the Automatic Pool Cover Vault

    After closing the pool after the end of the season we close the automatic cover until the next season. Leaves collect on the cover and we use our leaf blower to remove them. Some leaves always blow into the gap between the pool deck and the cover drum during windy days. I have discovered a...