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  1. D

    Cloudy water

    My pool is cloudy! I started with green water added 16oz of shock n swim # 3 water is now cloudy. I vac and scrubbed the pool walls and floor to rid it of the slim. I added 1 #2- 3" chlorine tab. Cl 5 Br 10 pH 7.6 I did this about 8 hrs ago and its still cloudy. I've had the water in the pool...
  2. D

    First pool, should I shock?

    18'48 round intex pool was green added 16oz shock pool is now cloudy. I have not added anything but the shock. When is it safe to swim? Do I have to add chlorine?tested water after adding shock reads pH 7.2- 7.5 Cl 5 10 what should be done next?