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  1. ED-209

    Adding Unions to Sand Filter and Filter Maintenance

    Greetings TFPer’s, hope everyone is doing great this summer day and everyone's pool is crystal clear and balanced. It’s amazing what a new liner will do in terms of wanting to make everything else new and I once again need everyone’s expertise on a few things and I truly appreciate the help...
  2. ED-209

    Pool Math Log Enhancement\Suggestion

    Greetings fellow TFP’ers, been a while since I posted but still here. I’m loving the Pool Math app, finally subscribed to it vs. just using the free version and the html version but just had one small suggestion that would help me, and possibly others, out tremendously. When you view the Logs...
  3. ED-209

    How high can the TFTeskits test for FC?

    Greetings TFP'ers, hope all is well with everyone tonight. Well good news bad news situation. Good news is I finally convinced my father to go the BBB / Troublefree method...Bad news is his CYA is around 180 and his FC was only 2.0 and his pool is getting really cloudy (basically he got a new...
  4. ED-209

    Removing an LED Ungrounded Light?

    Ok, I read a bunch of threads about making sure to clean out from behind lights to prevent algae and I've never done this and I think I might have some hiding behind there as before I found this wonderful place I have had multiple instances of algae and now I have everything running great but I...
  5. ED-209

    Algae or Just Pollen and or Dirt?

    Greetings fellow TFP'ers, hope all is doing well... Ok about 2 or so weeks ago I went through the Shock process as I got paranoid\scared when I saw what looked like some algae forming on the bottom of my pool in a few spots, I brushed it away and it looked like it was algae as it had a faint...
  6. ED-209

    After shock process, is this much FC loss normal in 2 days??

    Greetings fellow TFP'ers... I just recently, Thursday morning, completed my 1st shock process and ended with a FC of 32.5 early that morning and figured I would be good for a while so out of curiosity I just did a test about an hour ago and my FC was at 12.5, so I lost 20 PPM of FC in 2 days...
  7. ED-209

    Spotted a few small spots of algae...shock then?

    Greetings fellow TFP'ers, hope everyone is doing well and apologies ahead of time for the long novel below but I know it helps here with too much detail vs. not enough :) Well I've been going good, just maybe one or two days where I let the FC go .50 below the minimum but today I noticed some...
  8. ED-209

    Pressure Gauge for Sand Filter?

    Greetings everyone, Gotta another question (I know, surprise surprise LOL) When I got my Sand Filter (in signature below) installed in December 2011 I noticed they plugged the opening where the pressure gauge went and when I asked they told me they have so many issues with them, usually...
  9. ED-209

    Algae on inside border of skimmer?

    Greetings fellow BBBr's & TFPr's I have a quick question today. Well since 4/6 everything has been goin great, my levels seem great, adding bleach every other day, clear water, no visible algae around returns, steps crevices or the light but for some reason when I take my finger and rub the...
  10. ED-209

    False CC Reading? & Flakes on Water Surface?

    Greetings programs, Well I figure I've moved to the next level and can start another post since I am an official TFP'er or I think I am LOL So things are goin great via FC and pH levels, just adding about 90 or so oz every other day to keep FC in 5 to 9 range with last CYA reading (past...
  11. ED-209

    New to this group and desperately need CYA\Cl help...

    I hate to go right into my problems\details vs. saying Hi and Thanks for having me but I am desperate :? I apologize for this LOOOOOOOOONG post but just trying not to leave anything out... Hopefully I read enough to know what I need to post :) I've been reading as many posts as I can in...