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  1. L

    Ph is very high

    I tested my water this morning and here are my numbers FC: 9.5 CC: 0 TC: 9.5 TA: 100ppm CH: 140ppm CYA: 30ppm PH: is way high. It took 20 drop of the acid demand regent to get it down to 8.0 What do I need to do to lower the ph? Taylor’s chart only goes to 10 drops. 😳 I’ve never had to put...
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    Spring SLAM

    Hi, just started up my pool for the season and had a little mis-calculation and need a little help. I filled my pool with city water from my hose and used my Taylor 2006C test kit and it registered 0 FC. I added 1 gallon of liquid chlorine shock…waited a little bit and tested again. FC only...
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    Over drained pool

    I accidentally drained 10 inches below my skimmer for winterizing. Will this pose a problem or will it be okay. Thanks for advice.
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    I’ve been able to maintain my pool chemistry all summer thanks to the start up advice from tfp! Sadly, it’s time to close for winter. I need to do it before all the leaves start dropping! Anyway, my question is, I need to do a SLAM before draining etc…and right now pool math is saying about 2...
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    Chlorine Level Help

    I opened my pool this year about 2 weeks ago, with the perma salt system. I added the tub of chemicals and one bag of salt into the pool and put in the first round of maintenance chemicals. Less than 2 weeks later, I have an algae problem! I decided to change from perma salt to chlorine. I...
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    Need to identify foreign species in my pool

    I have found several worm like things at the bottom of my pool. They look like worms, but I am not sure. I shocked the pool and I don’t think they are alive as they don’t move when I remove them from the bottom of the pool. They are filled with white gunk. What are they and how do I get rid of...
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    Electrical Shock

    I had my 24' round pool put in about 2 months ago. I ran #8copper wire around the pool and connected it to the pool uprights in 4 different locations and then fed the copper through the grounding lug on the pump. By the way, my pump only has one grounding lug on it. Everything was fine until...