Spring SLAM


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2020
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Hi, just started up my pool for the season and had a little mis-calculation and need a little help.
I filled my pool with city water from my hose and used my Taylor 2006C test kit and it registered 0 FC. I added 1 gallon of liquid chlorine shock…waited a little bit and tested again. FC only registered at 3.5, so I added another gallon of chlorine and tested again. That was when I realized I mis-calculated the first time. I used the wrong multiplier and I shouldn’t have added the second gallon!
My FC is now registering at 12.0. Is this too high for a SLAM?
How long does it take for the level to go down?
Should I worry about having too much Chlorine in my pool?
Thanks for your help😊
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I tested my water this morning and here are my numbers
FC: 9.5
CC: 0
TC: 9.5
TA: 100ppm
CH: 140ppm
CYA: 30ppm
PH: is way high. It took 20 drop of the acid demand regent to get it down to 8.0

What do I need to do to lower the ph? Taylor’s chart only goes to 10 drops. 😳
I’ve never had to put Muriatic acid in my pool before, and I’m very timid about using it.
Will the ph go down on its own eventually? And if so, how long would that take?
Thanks again for any and all help.
Use muriatic acid. Be respectful, not afraid. Use eye protection at a minimum. If you get any on your skin, just dunk it in the pool.

Pour it slowly in front of a return. Pour downwind if you can. Reduce in pH in .4 increments. Pour, wait 15 minutes, retest. Rinse repeat